Peter Penguin

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In the snowy depths of freezing cold Antarctica, lived a small penguin named Peter and his family. Now Peter hadn't been born long before disaster struck. Peter for the first time ever was finally allowed to go off exploring on his own.

Before setting off for his adventure Peter had been warned about all ocean dangers. from predators to advising him where the most dangerous rocks laid.//

Despite telling them he would be fine , Peter's parents insisted upon sitting only a few yards away, to keep a eye on him. Peter was glad of the freedom as he swam quickly through the ocean. Faster than he ever before chatting away to himself. thinking about all the worlds wonders and how promising it was to be alive . //

Little did anyone know Peter's first adventure would also be his last for this would be Peter's undoing.//

As Peter swam happily through the ocean, not so far away his parents were reflecting on his birth.//

"he was such a small baby, he still is compared to most of the penguins his age"//

"True enough. It still upsets me that I missed the days leading up to his birth, mouths of his life whilst I was out collecting fish." //

"That's not your fault you needed to collect fish so we could feed him" //

"What was that?//

"What?" //

"I heard a noise it sounded like a shriek or cry for help"//


At that instant began the beginning of the end. //

Pedro and Penny waddled across the frozen landscape, slipping like wet bars of soap as they went. //

They arrived to a lifeless Peter. For as he thoughtfully swam his thoughts got the better of him. Before long plastic was surrounding his head. Chocking him into his final few hours of life.

Feeling numb, as if it was all their fault they tried to absorb the dismal scene surrounding them.//

"How could we let this happen?" //

"It's not our fault"//

"Did you tell him about the plastic dangers?"//

"No, maybe it is our fault after all"//

"This is the 4th friend I've lost to plastic and that's just this week, my sons dead. All because the humans cant be bothered to recycle." //

"We've lost our son from their selfish acts."//

"This ends now"//

After a sorrowful thought provoking twenty minutes or so, trying to work out a way of saving their son. Who was getting weaker by the minute. It was decided that there was nothing to be done. Peter was Lugged up from the water. Then carefully placed upon Antarctica's bitter snow.

Penny and Pedro lay sobbing well into the night, clutching their dying baby in their arms. Eventually Pedro's breathing lessened gradually stopping altogether. //

As previously mentioned, indicating the end to one small penguins life. Although not the deadline for thousands, of sea creatures lying bloodless. Having died harrowing plastic related deaths.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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