Chapter 9.

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Before married life, simple was all me, not that it's changed now that I'm married.

For me, the simplest moments hold importance, just like the times I used to come to the small cafe downtown, which wasn't far from my highschool. I used to hang out at the cafe after school, sometimes do my homework there or just be there to unwind.

I loved the homey vibe I always received whenever I was here, now being back here brings back so many memories and most good then bad. Thus bringing a smile upon my face, like right now when I enter the cafe.

Looking around I see that not much has changed which I love and appreciate.

" Kea?" I hear from behind me.

Turning around, my jaw drops to the floor at seeing my old friend, who I'd lost contact of, 2 years ago  looking so handsome.

" James!" I almost scream in excitement but hold back , remembering that we aren't alone.

James opens his long arms and I immediately rush to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

A bear hug from a friend is what I needed right now, with what is going on lately, I'm thankful that he called me. " I can't believe this." He murmurs on top of my head.

Moving back and out of his arms, I give him a once over, totally appreciating how nice he has presented himself and that he's changed a bit. Though back then he might have been older then me and acted a bit childish, now he looks mature and good looking enough to have ladies turn their heads in his direction.

Tall with black eyes, pale skin, blond hair and simply cute.

" Come on." He says, leading me to a table at the back.

Once seated, all we can do is stare at each other. A smile breaks out on my face, realizing that he is really in front of me.

" Kea you look so beautiful. I just can't get over it." He compliments, making me blush.

" Thank you and you look so handsome, I'm pretty sure whoever she is , must be thanking the heavens right now."

" Oh no lady at all, and what about you?"

" Um well it's kinda complicated, a long story in fact. "

" Well I've got time." He says , looking interested.

" I'm married." I groan out, hands covering my face.

" W- what? " he splutters.

" Yeah but I'll be divorced soon." I quickly add.

" Okay I need something to drink." He says, raising up his hand for a waiter." You know what, let's get something to eat first." He says, while the waiter comes over.

The waiter comes over and right after we place our orders, James speaks up again.

" So how long have you been married for?"

" 2 years now." I respond, in which he nods.

"So you love him?" I'm taken a back by his question , that I have to take a minute before answering.

" I'm in love with him." I say, head down.

" But why the divorce ?" I sigh at his question, looking at him. I don't know what he sees on my face because his own reflects concern.

Before I can say anything, the waiter comes back and serves us our food.

Being left alone, I start to give him some form of idea on how my marriage came about and why we're on our way to a divorce. Even then I don't give too much detail." weren't kidding, it's complicated..."

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