Lust sans x reader(lemon)

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btw this could be a boy or girl))

ur pov~

It was cold outside and u were on ur way to go see Lust. He had asked if u had wanted to come over cause Razzy wasn't home. It was weird how Lust had asked u over, his voice wasn't his normal of and he had kept stopping in the middle of his sentence and was breathing kinda heavily. But u decided to go just to make sure he was ok.

Lust's pov~

hopefully y/n gets here soon, Razzy went out to see Metaton. ugh when will he/she arrive? My body keeps getting hotter! Y did this happen now? Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I opened it and there was y/n! I pulled him/her inside quickly kissing him/her.

ur pov~

Lust pulled me inside and kissed me before I could even say a word. I immediately pushed him away and fell onto a couch. "what the hell Lust!" I freaked at him

"I-I........I'm sorry I didn't me-" he tried to say but I had cut him off "don't even say that u didn't mean to! I know u did mean to!" I got up and left slamming the door behind me and I went straight home

Lust's pov~

I watched as y/n stormed out the door and slumped down on the couch and started crying

a/n pls let me know how u think I did(and be as harsh as u want) and let me know if I should make the second part to this, thx~ <3

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