Your Great Husband

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       You grab a chip from your husband's lap. He's so clumsy sometimes. You know he can't help it, but it still bothers you.
      "You dropped this, you animal," You giggle as you gently place the chip into his mouth. He quickly eats it. The two of you have been watching the movie "Titanic" for over two hours now and the ship just began sinking. You're very tired at this point and all you want is to sleep. It was one of those rare moments when your young daughter was asleep and you didn't want to waste your precious sleep time.

       "Do you want to go to bed dear?" you ask. Your husband nods his head absently. He never gives you real answers but it's okay. You pick up your husband and bring him into your dimly lit room. You set him on your twin sized bed. Whenever people are over, they always ask you why you have such a small bed. The reason is your husband doesn't work and you can't afford anything bigger. It's frustrating but you love him. Well, you act like it.
        You take off his skin suit to reveal his true body. He looks so weird without the suit on, but you know he prefers it off. He squirms in your arms as you throw him into his tank. The tank is filled with fake plants and one of those bubble blowing chest, all of which came out of your paycheck. The tank gives out a blinding light, keeping you up every night. You throw a fish into his tank and he promptly devours it. It is the most uncharming thing in the world, and you wish you could make light of it.
      "Good night Flipper" You kiss his tank and flop into your bed. Why did you decide to marry a seal? You try to sleep but as per usual the tank's light keeps you up. You can't take it anymore! You stare into his cold seal eyes. Flipper winks at you and you shudder in disgust. You get up and swiftly leave the room. Flipper barks for you in the background but you keep walking. You glance into your hybrid daughter's room. You wish you could say you loved her, but she's a monster! You turn away and continue out of your home. Once you're outside your house, you call animal control.
    "Hello, animal control? Yes, I have a problem. You see, there is a seal in my house and I'd like you take it out"
         Now without Flipper and your hybrid daughter, you can try for a normal life. You can marry a human, you can live without your freakish hybrid kid, you can finally have conversations with the one you love! You march down the street not knowing where you're are going or what you're going to do. You may be the most lost you've ever been in life, but you have found freedom that you wouldn't trade for the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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