Chapter One: Blaire Primus

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Blaire Roslyn Primus-Woods, a 17 year old girl who transferred one school to another because of a single mother who was left taking care of her and her younger siblings, Cameron and Savannah. Her father was put into Rehab and Therapy for his mental health; now they've moved to Lewiston, Idaho to be with family after being away for too long. For a while there, Blaire played with the idea of her being a Nomad; a traveler who never settled or having a place to call home and when she finally did, a virus was unleashed onto the world that was taken for granted. It's a long time coming.

The beginning of Blaire's Senior year was slightly rough, but she managed to make friends right away; they were pretty nice kids to hang out with. One girl, Valerie swiped her parents credit card and took them out to this Chinese restaurant, "Are you sure your parents won't find out?"
"Literally their credit cards are scattered, I highly doubt they'll notice" They enter into the restaurant, chattering and laughing until they got seated by a waiter, "Sorry it will be a while since we are short staffed"
"Yeah no worries, we're in no hurry" Valerie assures the waiter. They got their waters, placed their order and 10 minutes later, there was nothing and they thought nothing of it. A half hour goes by and it's been disturbingly quiet; long as a matter of fact and there was hardly anyone eating here. It was a Sunday and safe to assume that it's because of Church. Blaire was tapping her fingertips on the table and one of the boys asked impatiently, "What is taking the food so long?"
"Yeah how much could he be making? There's like, not even enough people in this place" One of the girls snickers and Blaire offers up, "I could go to the kitchen to see what's up" She acted out of impulse and she was reluctant to go back there and look for the waiter, but knowing her new friends were there. She didn't want to be seen as a wuss. She pushes the door and couldn't believe what she saw

A trail of chopped up vegetables, broth and meat all over the floor, but there were pots and pans knocked over and plates broken. Curling her lips and tightening her body, she builds to courage to ask for someone, "Hello? Umm I don't exactly know your name, but are you okay?" Going around the corner and saw the same waiter on the ground with his guts out, gasping for air, shaking as he was lifting his hand to gesture for me to, "Ruuuun" He said so hoarsely as the chef came around the corner so frail and dead, he was...a zombie. In a instant, Blaire panics; this zombie of a chef must sense her fear because now he is limping his way towards her, reaching out and she starts throwing anything at him. Turning around to run as she tries to grab a knife and accidentally slipping on the food and broth; her life flashing before her eyes when she aimed the knife away from her body knowing that she could've died. Her shoes are also slippery too, so it made even more of a challenge to escape this Chef. She makes it out, then her friends making fun of her, "Jeez what happened to you?"
"We need to leave now!"
"But we haven't gotten our lunch!" She grabs the boy by the shirt, scaring the others by her crazed eyes, "Who the hell cares? The chef and waiter are dead and we will be if we don't get moving..." Growling, snarling and a foot dragging; they all turn around and before their very eyes, they finally believed Blaire, "Go, go, go!" They shoved the tables into him, but his strength was too powerful, grabbing Valerie by the hair and with no hesitation. Screaming from pain and panic, but without hesitation, Blaire jumps on the table and jumps on him, with the knife entering his skull. He gasps, blood running out of his mouth, slowly losing balance. Adrenaline running through Blaire's veins, 'I just killed a man' Shuddering breaths from the poor kids defending themselves from an undead man, "Call the police!" One of the boys patted themselves down for a cell phone and put the phone on speaker, "911, what's your emergency?"
"There was a man in the restaurant! He attacked us, we-we killed him!" The boy was shocked, another had his arms around Valerie to comfort her while Blaire was processing the past hour. One minute, they were kids, breaking rules and having fun then next minute, they killed a man in a public setting. Someone could've walked in.

"Alright, thank you officer" He put the phone away. Placing his hand behind the back of his neck, "What the fuck happened to him?" Looking over at Blaire, trembling to her bones as she shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head, "I don't know...I don't know" She notices the group looking down at her hands and she does the same, "I need to wash hands now" She was about to walk away and that same boy, "What the fuck happened?" Stopping her by grabbing her shoulders and pushing her against the wall, struggling to release herself from his arms pinning her, "Please let me go..."
"Not until you give me some answers"
"Craig, now"
"Tell me!" His demand made her scared and triggered her fight or flight response, but instead, "He was dead, but came back alive. The waiter told me to run! Unlike you, I actually ran and defended myself. You just wanted your fucking Kung Pao Chicken" Releasing his strength from her, he huffs angrily, rubbing his nose and responded, "It could've been any of us, Primus. Could've been any of us, so don't attack me like that"
"Could say the same to you. Should know better than to lay a hand on a girl" Reminding herself that she shouldn't date him or have sex with him since then. The police came to the restaurant, cautioning the area and asked the kids a few questions. One of the officers came speed walking out, practically nauseous and went to the side of the parking lot; they continued asking the kids any further questions and since they were witnesses and defended themselves. They all ended up at the station for further information and then around Dinner, past curfew for Blaire; she knew she was fucked.

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