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Chapter One || in time for tea

A bell chimed over the dark haired girl. Half-past one in the afternoon and now suddenly someone popped by her dark blue wooden door with a silver-toned brass knocker. The girl glanced down at her attire before taking a deep breath and clutched the door knob in her hand and pulled it open.

"Top of the morning to you, madam," a strangely clad man said, his eyes ancient but his appearance young. He was a little shorter than the door, barely an inch between his head and the frame.

"You do realize that it's a little past one in the afternoon, right?" She replied, eyeing the strange man. '"Who are you?"

"What did you say?" He asked, looking down at her.

"Who are you?"

"Please, just one more time." He breathed, clasping his hands together.

"Who are you?" She repeated, staring at the man. His antics were of the strangest kind, with his old eyes and youthful appearance.

"I've always liked people saying that to me." The strange man said as he stretched to his full height. He was curious looking with a blue bowtie and a dark tartan button down shirt. The golden, sun-kissed brown curls sat upon his head in crowning fashion.

"Why? I'm not even going to answer." The girl snorted, shutting the door in his face. She took two steps back into the hallway before the strange man rung the bell once more.

"Miss Katherine Elizabeth Beauguard, you know why I am here." He said barely loud enough to be heard. Her heart stopped. It was him.

"It's you," she replied, taking deep breaths to regulate her heartbeat. She opened the door, watching the man she first saw when she was barely a toddler.

"Yes, it is he, the raggedy man. Hello, love." He grinned, looking into her chestnut eyes.

"Doctor, I can't believe it, from all the stories my mum and dad said about you." She smiled in response, pulling the door open a little wider so he could step through. "Do come in. Allow me to take you coat."

"Thank you. Katherine-," she cut him off with, "Katie, I go by Katie."

"Well, Katie, where are your parents? I do hope I haven't missed them." He said, whilst slipping his coat off of his shoulders and looking around for her parents.

"Left, took an expedition to Antarctica, bid me in charge of the house. Now, don't give me that look, I'm perfectly able to go about. I'm not sixteen anymore, good sir. I've passed my twenty-second birthday a month ago. No, I don't fancy anyone, you big idiot." She finished, watching him with sceptical eyes. "Tea?"

"As always." He chuckled, "Antarctica, that's a strange one. Do you know why?"

"Yes and I do believe you know the reason for it, you just haven't realized it yet." Katie said, leading him to the parlour. Liesel, the housemaid, came in with a tea tray, setting it on the table between them.

Taking a seat and a cup, Katie poured the steaming liquid into it and set it back down to cool.

"I don't believe I do," he began, trailing off.

"They left because of you, Doctor. My parents left because they hoped they could find you by going all around the world, searching for one thing that never came back." She daintily grasped the tea cup and took a burning sip of black tea.

He murmured something under his breath. Katie looked at him, knowing the pain of losing someone you loved. He frowned for a second before looking at her.

"When did they depart?" He asked.

"About a month ago," she replied quietly, sipping at her tea.



hello fellow fandomites.

it is I and I've decided to post this. Been working on it for last hour or so. (Yes, there will be mistakes)

So yeah.


noella. xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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