Chapter 1

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Ding dong.

Taeyong raced to the door, swinging it open. The bell on his Christmas hat jingled with excitement as he analysed the person at the door.

"You got the rest of the decorations?" Taeyong asked. From behind some boxes, a head popped out, their Pastel green hair bouncing softly.

"Yes, Taeyong hyung, that's the last of them," the person responded. Taeyong smiled and took some of the boxes from the other.

"It wasn't too much strain, was it, Chenle?" Taeyong asked.

"Not at all! How was rearranging? Is there room now?" Chenle asked, smiling walking into the dorm. He heard the door close gently behind him as he set down the boxes he was holding. Taeyong set down the rest beside him, and they both started to unpack the decorations. Chenle looked up, seeing Yuta, Jisung, Sicheng and Taeil decorating the Christmas tree the set up in the corner. He scoured the area, seeing everyone dealing with decorations and figuring stuff out for their party tonight.

In the kitchen were Jaehyun, Johnny and Jungwoo, scrambling between tasks, and getting help from Taeyong and Yuta every so often. Decorating and setting up the tabletop was Mark, Haechan, Doyoung, and Lucas, debating where snacks would go, where drinks would go, and even where plating and cutlery would go. Chenle and Taeyong were in charge of unpacking the rest of the decorations - wreaths, angel wings, tinsel, small Christmas collectables, reindeer decorations, and even lights for their windows. When all the decorations were unwrapped, they were ready to start putting them up. They looked around, looking for anyone not doing anything. Ten and Jaemin were chatting by the TV, Ten sipping on some chicken soup Yuta prepared for him earlier.

"Yo, Ten, Renjun, wanna help put some decorations up?" Taeyong called. Jaemin jumped up and helped Ten from his seat. Jisung looked over in Chenle's direction, giant puppy eyes adorning his face.

"Only if the others can get the tree done," Chenle grinned. Jisung turned to Yuta who chuckled sweetly.

"Oh, why not? We're nearly done with the tree anyway," Yuta smiled. Jisung jumped for joy and raced over to Chenle's side. Taeyong picked up some wreaths and wreath hangers and gave them to Chenle and Jisung,

"How about you guys hang some wreaths? It'll help get rid of some of the clutter here. When you've done the wreaths, come back and just go to town. But leave lights to us," Taeyong commanded. Chenle and Jisung nodded, taking the items and searching the dorm for places to put up the wreaths. They ended up putting one on the bathroom door, one on the fridge door (with Johnny's help blue-tacking it into place), and one on the front door, facing the outside world. As they were ready to walk back in, they heard murmurs from the stairwell. They turned to it and saw 7 boys walking up, wrapped gifts in hand. Chenle reached into the dorm, calling out; "Jaeyhun! That's Jungkook and the others here!" Instantly, Jaehyun abandoned post and raced to the front door, Chenle moving aside to let him through.

"Jungkook! How are you, my friend?" Jaehyun greeted him,

"I'm doing great! By the way, thanks for inviting us to your party, but are you sure it's not any hassle? I mean, you're already stretching with 18 people-" Jungkook started,

"Not quite. Some of them went home to get a small break, especially since we don't have much to do right now," Jaehyun responded. BTS, Jaehyun, Jisung and Chenle walked in, Jaehyung showing BTS a place to sit while Chenle offered to take the gifts they brought and put them in another room, to keep them safe of course. "And anyway, somehow they managed to find a place that can fit all 18 of us, so the living room's pretty big," Jaehyung mentioned. Jungkook tilted his head sideways,

"How on Earth do you find a place that can house 18 people?" Taehyung asked. Jaehyun shrugged,

"They were preparing for a big family?" Jaehyun responded. Yoongi rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself. All eyes fell on him as everyone wondered what he was going to say,

"'Big' is a bit of an understatement," Yoongi blurted. Instantly, the room was filled with seal clapping and laughter - even the members working in the kitchen had to stop because they were laughing so hard. Namjoon looked over to Taeyong, Ten and Jaemin who were trying to set up some lights on the window, but were struggling. Namjoon reached over to Jungkook, tapping his shoulder, before signalling towards the three. They both got up and raced over to their side, helping with the lights.

"Thanks, guys, but you're the guests-" Taeyong started,

"Hey, just because we were on Ellen doesn't mean we're automatically 'guests of honour', for once we'd rather be treated as anything but that," Namjoon joked, smirking at Taeyong. He rolled his eyes, grinning warmly,

"Suit yourselves," Taeyong responded. Eventually, the five of them were able to get the lights on the windows and working, Jungkook even doing a 'make sure they don't fall' test.

As time passed, the dorm became filled with Christmas cheer, lights sparkling like stars and tinsel adorning the surfaces like the branches of a Christmas tree. While the members of BTS and NCT waited for the rest of their guests, they chatted, discussing their hopes for the party as well as any random tidbits they could think of off the top of their heads. Usually it was something from their next project, to awards and performances, and just showering the other group in compliments. But, half way through their conversation, there was another 'Ding dong'. NCT waited in anticipation

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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