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Todoroki-Midoriya Shoto smelt clean. He smelt like hand sanitizer, like a hospital, like cleanliness. It wasn't overwhelming but it was the most prominent smell that came off of the bi-coloured man.

The smell had never concerned or displeased Midoriya-Todoroki Izuku before, in fact, when they would lay in bed together in their shared room, he would drink it up, and memorise every aspect of the scent. But, tonight was different. When Shoto walked through their front door, it unnerved him. He lifted himself off of the couch he was sitting on and went to greet his husband.

"Welcome home, Shoto! How was work?" He tried to stay positive, but he only got a grunt in response, "You're awfully late, where were you?" It wasn't demanding, just curious. He tried to keep the frustration out of his voice.

"Working." Ice cold voice to compliment the clean smell.

"Okay... it's just that you've been at work longer than usual a lot recently, and I was just wondering-"

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"Of course not! I just-"

"You are. You've been pointing a lot of fingers at me recently and it's really annoying, Izuku. I wish you would go back to how you were when we'd first met." The green haired boy didn't dare look up and try to create any kind of eye contact. He look straight down at the floor.

When they'd first met, huh? They were high school sweethearts, voted 'best couple' over and over, every single time. Shoto was in the library, and Izuku and struck up a conversation and asked what book he was reading. He then had said that he'd read the book too and asked about his favourite character. The boy with the book had said he liked the isolated nobleman, and the green-haired boy had said the village boy with a big smile and even bigger dreams was his favourite.

"I don't like him. He's too all over the place. Messy. I only like people who know exactly what they're doing, when they're doing it." The clean-smelling boy had said, all those years ago.

The other laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head, "I'm pretty much the same as him, or so I've been told."

"You seem to be a pretty well put-together person to me."

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment, it was an observation."

"It sounded like a complimentary observation, at least!"

"Well, I'm very perceptive, and I trust my judgement, and if it's a compliment, so be it." A slight smile appeared on his face, and Izuku grinned back.

That was the start of the relationship, and Izuku feared the end might be drawing nearer, looming over him. His marriage was crumbling, melting away in his grip, leaving a sticky feeling on his hands and a sour taste in his mouth.

At the dinner table, they ate in silence. Izuku was at wits end, and he was sure that asking about Shoto's day wouldn't help.

Let me take this opportunity of an awkward family meal to use some words to sum up Todoroki-Midoriya Shoto; uncommitted, circumstantial, flaky. Or at least, that's how he was towards his husband.

Towards an explosive blond by the name of Bakugou Katsuki, however, was a whole different story. Towards him, he was consistent, passionate, constant.

And by constant, I mean he was at his apartment every Friday evening, forgetting about his failing marriage.

'Forgetting'. Ha! Makes me laugh. He wasn't forgetting anything. He was ignoring, turning his back on. He was aware of what he was doing in that bed, every single time he went.

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