Anyone but Him

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So I was lying in bed, ignoring the fact that my head is still spinning from painkillers and decided to write this 'cuz I could. Do not read if you don't do boyxboy, - oh! and this does have some nudity in... Well… enjoy! Reviews are candy, and we all know how much our Gabe likes candy ;)

Oh yeah, and this is finished, but I shall be writing an epilogue seperately, so if you comment, I will let you know when it is finished and up so... yeah! Enjoy!!

Anyone but him

Sam watched the angel fling the devil across the room, his amber eyes hard and looking as good as always. For that thought alone, he knew he should take the angel-killing blade he had "borrowed" and stab himself in the face – hell, if his brother knew he had thought that he would do it for him!

"Luci… I'm home," Gabriel announced in way of greeting once his older brother had stood to see who had dared to attack him. Gabe stood his ground, glaring at Lucifer. When the devil made a move to come forwards, he raised his own Archangel's blade and held it between them, showing how fearless he was. "Not this time."

Lucifer lowered his arms and took a step back, keeping his damaged eyes on his little brother, taking in each movement in great detail, looking for ways to try and win this fight. His eyes stayed locked on Gabriel as the golden haired man bent down and helped up the insufferable Kali to her feet, pulling her behind him to keep her safe, and wrapping an arm around her. "Guys," he spoke again, this time to the Winchesters hidden behind a table nearby, "get her out of here." The Winchester brothers stood and walked to Kali, Dean taking her arm and Sam following.

Sam got to the hallway and whispered "go on ahead," to Dean, ignoring his brothers' eyes as he spoke. "I'll catch up."

"No way, Sam. Not for that dick-"

"Go, Dean." He pushed Kali ahead and Dean followed instinctively, glaring at his brother before he turned the corner and left the motel. Sam kept his back to the wall, but tilted his head so he could see into a mirror, hidden in the top corner of the hallway, giving a clear view of the room the two Archangels were currently stood in. Thank the Gods that those Pagan gods were sneaky little-

"Over a girl, Gabriel. Really?" Lucifer asked, turning with Gabriel as he made sure the Winchesters and the Demi-god were safe. "I heard you were slumming but… I hope you didn't catch anything," he replied, wrinkling his nose in distaste as he raised his hands in a peaceful gesture.

"Lucifer…" the man in question lowered his arms again at the shorter mans words, "you're my brother and I love you. But you are a great big bag of dicks."

Sam had to cover his mouth to hide the grin and chuckle that were begging to be let out.

"What did you just say to me?" Lucifer growled, stepping forwards and back again as Gabriel raised his blade again.

"Look at yourself! Boo-hoo! 'Daddy was mean to me so I'm going to smash up all his toys."

"Watch your tone-"

"Play the victim all you want. But you and me," he indicated with the sword, "we know the truth. Dad loved you best; more than Michael, more than me. Then he brought the new baby home and you couldn't handle it. So all this is just a great big temper tantrum!" He waved the blade again and kept his gaze on his brother. "Time to grow up."

"Gabriel, if you are doing this for Michael-"

"Screw him! If he were standing here, I'd shiv his ass too!"

The devil started at this, letting out an angry huff of breath and raised a hand to point at his sibling. "You disloyal-"

"Oh, I'm loyal. To them!"

Anyone but HimWhere stories live. Discover now