Scrambled or Over Easy

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"He had two days' rest, 'cause high school raced on Friday,

Collegians were tired, for their race day was Saturday

And this challenge up the ski slope, this mountain, was Sunday.


"'Ski fever,' a fall event, that was its name,

The runners, from all over the East Coast they came,

From bottom to top, by any ski run, was the game.


"'A straight line is the shortest' is common knowledge,

But it slipped the minds of all those in college.

Straight up went some high-school kid, grabbing the foliage.


"And so to the top of the mountain he burned,

A bell rang out his win, and the others returned,

Beaten by a sixteen-year-old, as they learned.


"He set a new record that stands to this day,

'Cause he took the steep run, the others? No way!

It's been half a century, allow me to say."


He adds, "I was that scheming, scrambling pup!"


And she, "All else is equal, but I know the way up.

I'll use my legs and my arms, and the saplings, hup-hup!

If not a new record, this year's loving cup?"


"I was told you could do it, my dear Buttercup!"



©2015 George Wisser

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