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Incoming Literary Transmission:

     A city of rust and debris floats upon the long-faded waters of a nearly soulless ocean. All that remains here is the dust of the Divers, still alive to inhabit this city, left behind by the pioneers of space in search of a safer home than, the decaying, planet Earth.
     The Divers are the only ones, with any strength left, to scavenge these dark waters with hopes of salvaging anything to help them live another day. When the Earth first flooded over, to be a Diver was to be praised as a savior to the masses. However, in a short time, those masses disappeared into the heat of the Sun and lack of food within them. Supplies had shortened, food had scarcened, and humanity had gone with it. The only chance to survive in this world is by being a Diver and fending for yourself. There are groups of Divers, of course, that attempt to work together but, they most often end up succumbing to the temptation of cannibalism.
     To Look down into emptiness and seeing nothing other than plastic deriving within... to be a Diver and to experience the darkness of the water, along with the emotional and physical pressure, as you let your body sink deeper into the abyss. To do this is to experience a horrific scene of death. An ocean, a beautiful sea, murdered... by the man who lived with it... the man who abused it to survive.
     Science proved that nothing can come from nothing, that hay and sweat cannot combust and transform into a mouse, and yet, they were wrong. I have seen plastic come from deep within the blackness of the ocean. I have seen plastic come from what looks to be nothing. I have seen plastic appear from nothing. That "nothing" was the men of Earth not doing anything about a growing problem consuming the deepest sections of the world given to us.
     Something always comes from nothing. Nothing creates horrific monstrosities that become the death of humankind. Please... do not do "nothing," do something... to save yourselves and your future generations. Do this... save the world that was given to us. Do this and be not a savior to the masses... but a savior to all life and being, itself.

This Message Was Received From February 7th, Year: 2471 On The Date Of December 2nd, Year: 2018.  


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