Chapter 1

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I have been wanting to move to California for as long as I can remember, I saved up as much as I could and I finally had enough to get an apartment in downtown LA. Today was the day that I finally got to move in. My parents and siblings helped me move my stuff, once they left I let out a squeal of excitement! "Home sweet home." I said as I fell back on my bed. A couple hours later I started to unpack some of my clothes hearing someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around smiling from ear to ear "Hey! How'd you get in?" I stood up hugging my best friend who lived here all her life, Taliya . "Um, rule number 1 of living in Downtown LA, lock your doors." I nodded making a mental note as I went back to unpacking my clothes. "True, but I really want you to move in with me! I have 2 bedrooms and theres only one of me. please!!!" She smiled and helped me unpack some more things. "I'll think about it, but Yes." I smiled and looked at my pile of clothes zoning out until Taliya spoke "Now what are we gonna do tonight?" I smirked and looked at her "Well, now that you mention it, I was wondering if you'd like to explore the grove tonight." Her face lit up like Christmas tree "Of course!!" She ran off to her room "Hmm, unpack or shower?" I thought out loud "Shower." I picked up some clothes and went into the bathroom showering for an hour, maybe two. I gotta be clean you know there's a lot of cute guys in LA. I got dressed putting on my favorite boy meets world hat. I smirked to myself and met her in the living room "Ready to hit the grove?" She looked me up and down then whistled I smiled and picked up my keys "To the grove!" I pointed my finger in the air and ran towards the door I heard Taliya laugh behind me as she shut the door behind her. I stopped and stared at my jeep I slowly walked up to it caressing the hood "Did you miss mommy? I missed you too baby." I kissed the door climbing in it "Do you have to do that every time? Its weird." I laughed and looked at Taliya "This is my baby, if anything were to happen to her I don't know what I'd do" Taliya rolled her eyes getting in the passenger side. We pulled out of the garage jamming out to some music "BUT I THINK IM DONE TRIPPING IM TRIP-TRIPPING" We both shook our head to the beat "BABY BOY YOUR LOVE GOT ME TRIPPING- oh shit!" I slammed on my breaks but it was all too late this was my first accident, I wanted to cry but I couldn't and didn't so I quickly put my car in park and got out to inspect the damage. I run my fingers through my hair "This can't be happening I just put this grille oh god I'm so stupid. Tals are you okay?" She nodded but didnt want to get out the car two boys in the other car got out walking up to me "Are you okay?" I couldn't keep calm, my paint was scratched, my grille was pretty much hanging off one side "Yeah, omg I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and ugh! Is there any damage to your car?" He looked at his car and shook his head. "The paint is a little chipped but other than that everything's okay, what about yours- Oh never mind." I sighed and pulled my grille off the rest of the way blinking away some tears, no not because I took my grille off but because the accident just now hit me. This was my first accident hopefully my last. I walked back over to the guy "Hey, I'm Jc and this is my friend Grayson, is there anything I can do to help you? are you too afraid to drive or?" I shook my head not even making eye contact with either of them. "No no I'm fine" I stood back looking at my car taking it all in "This actually happened." I looked at Jc "I'm sorry, I'm Jordan this jeep is my baby thats why I'm taking this so hard." He smiled and honestly he had a cute smile I can't deny that "Its all good I'm just glad you're okay." I nodded and took down his number but I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me I looked in that direction and low and behold this very very attractive boy was staring at me. I didn't know what to do but I could feel my cheeks get hot I immediately looked down but the sound of Jc talking brought my head back up "Thank you for not calling the cops" He chuckled and waved goodbye I got back in the car earning a wink from Taliya "He's cute" I shrugged and shifted my car in drive I was quiet the rest of the way to the grove "Listen, I know what happened was bad but don't let that ruin our night we got a new apartment, we are finally on our own and we're best friends let's have the time of our lives with smiles on our faces, meet some cute guys maybe take one home you never know. Now let me see that smile." I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled "You're right, let's go!!" We grabbed our phones waking down the road "Omg Taliya can we go to blue ribbon?" I saw her expression change she scrunched her face and shook her head "I wanna go to the cheesecake factory!" I looked at her and raised an eyebrow "Fine, rock, paper, scissor" We played the best two out of three of course I won but we still ended up going to the cheesecake factory. I personally didn't care as long as we got food so I took off jogging Taliya was trying to catch up "Jordan wait, my legs are shorter than yo-" I turned around when I heard her get cut off, I quickly ran back helping her up "Are you okay?" She nodded and looked down at the person she ran into "I'm so sorry" She held her hand out for him but he politely declined he looked up flashing her a smile. "I guess I literally fell for you. Hi I'm Grayson." He held his hand out hoping she would shake it which she happily did "Gray I saw what happened and got all of that on camera, are you okay?" I looked at the boy that walked up and quickly looked down thankfully my hat covered my face Taliya bumped me with her elbow I looked up at her and looked away again "So whats your name?" Grayson said tapping my hat lightly "Um-" "Her name is Jordan, She's really shy and awkward." He chuckled slightly "She wasn't shy or awkward earlier?" I snapped my head looking at him "You were with the guy I hit earlier I knew you looked familiar." He nodded and smacked the guy beside him "And this is my twin brother Ethan" You glanced over at him and smiled, waving at him "I'm Jordan." He nodded and looked away "Well we were on our way to go get some food, do you guys wanna join us?" I looked up at Taliya as she invited them giving her a look "Sure, that sounds cool. what do you think Ethan?" He shrugged but also nodded. We started walking towards Blue Ribbon "Whats going on with you?" Taliya whispered to me I looked at her and bit the inside of my cheek "He's extremely attractive you know how I get around cute guys." She nodded and looked ahead of us I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulder "So you think I'm cute?" My cheeks were on fire by then, there was no way I were getting out of this "Actually I think your exact words were 'he's extremely attractive' was that not you?" I looked up at him and just couldn't help but smile. How could you not he was gorgeous, his smile was to die for, his eyes although simple they made me melt, why did I feel like this? I just officially met him why does he have such an impact on me. I was snapped from my thoughts by me running into the door I put my head down and walked in holding onto Taliya"Smooth girl smooth." I rolled my eyes mumbling back "Shut up." We finally got to our table and ordered our food. For the past hour we all sat and talked. I pulled out my phone checking the time "Don't tell me you have a bedtime" I looked up at Ethan and raised an eyebrow. "I am a grown woman I do not have a bedtime." Just as I finished my sentence my alarm went off telling me it was time to go to sleep I sighed and turned it off "Today is definitely not your day Jt." I put my head down pushing my phone back in my pocket "I really don't want this night to end, why don't you guys come back to our place we can chill and watch movies." Taliya looked at me with pleading eyes I sighed and nodded "Fine, but I can't stay long I have work tomorrow." She nodded and I looked at Grayson "But I have no idea where you live." Ethan and Grayson looked at each other then back at me. "Well E you ride with Jordan, Taliya you can come with me." I looked at Taliya as she smiled extremely wide "Alright lets go." I unclipped my keys from my jean loop. We all walked outside turns out we parked next to each other "Can I drive?" I looked at Taliya then at Ethan "I can already tell we won't be friends." I unlocked my jeep climbing in the driver side buckling up "We won't be friends?" I looked over at Ethan as he got in the car. "Okay theres one thing you should've know from earlier today. This jeep is my baby I never let Taliya drive it, hell I never even let my mom drive it." I started driving down the street tapping the steering wheel "Its a piece of shit anyway." I slammed on my brakes, brake checking him he laughed looking at me "I'm just joking I didn't know you were that serious about this car." I started driving once more it was way too quiet so I turned the radio on, it just so happened to be my favorite song ever 'I'm a believer' by smash mouth I turned it up and started singing along to it "THEN I SAW HER FACE NOW IM A BELIEVER NOT A TRACE OF DOUBT IN MY MIND. IM IN LOVE AND IM A BELIEVER" I practically screamed "Nice pipes" He chuckled and looked at me. I smiled and took the turn he told me to take which landed us at his apartment. We got out walking into the living room "Took you long enough?" Taliya complained as we walked in "My favorite song was on so he took me the long way." I smiled and threw my jacket at Ethan asking him to hang it up "Alright what movie did you pick?" I sat down next to Ethan laying my legs over his lap "I don't really remember I just closed my eyes and picked" Grayson explained as he pressed play we all shrugged and sat and watched the movie by the middle of the movie I'm sitting closer to Ethan hiding my face in his chest "Is the clown off the screen?" I felt him chuckle "Yes babe it is." I looked up at him raising an eyebrow "babe?" He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck "Yeah its a force of habit I call all my friends that are girls babe" Grayson let out a laugh "No you don't" Ethan reached over smacking him in the back of the head "Yes I do bro." I moved away standing up, I think I should go. I'll see you at home Tals." I walked to get my jacket and walked out of their apartment "Jordan. Jordan wait up." I got to the bottom of the stairs looking at the idiot running after me. "Jordan, I didn't mean to upset you." I shook my head "You didn't upset me." He furrowed his eyebrows leaning on the wall "Why did you leave." I sighed and shook my head "It's complicated." He inched closer to me "Nothing about this is complicated" He cupped my cheeks, softly pressing his lips to mine. I pulled away after about a minute and ran to my car pulling out of their driveway, I don't know what set me off but I don't want it to happen again.

A/N: Sorry it's so short, I'm trying to figure things out, and I'm a little rusty since I haven't wrote anything in over a year. bare with me please. Thank you! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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