Chapter 1

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"You know it would be good for you to get out. Join your father's team or something Charlie. You could meet some nice friends." Charlie's mom suggested as she scanned over her recipe book searching for the same one she uses every year on her husband's birthday.

"Mom that's the last thing I want to do. No offense but dad's a dick. I rather blow my brains out then get yelled at him at home and on the courts. He'll ruin the one thing I enjoy." Charlie got up from the kitchen table and began to head upstairs when his mother interrupted him.

"Charles, honey. Two more years. Two more years and you can leave. He just doesn't understand you. He's angry at a lot you know? Aunt Maria doesn't like him because he was the same way with her since she's..."

"So he hates me because he thinks I'm gay? I told you both I'm not. Even so, he wouldn't put me on his varsity team if he thought I was gay. That's dumb as fuck."

"Charlie Williams! Your father is a good-"

"It's on page 229 by the way. I'm going to my room."
Charlie plopped himself onto his bed and pulled his phone from his pocket. The only messages he got was from Eli. Eli Montgomery has had Charlie's back for a couple weeks now since the school year started. He stood up for him during gym when Andrew Canelli called him gay and Eli kept him under his wing ever since.

Eli, 2:29 pm
ur dad is trippin bro
seriously he's a dick i'm sorry
he kicked Andrew off the team
No kidding
Eli, 2:31 pm
He needs someone to fill it
He said any suggestions would work
u should definitely join bro
Me: Idk man
He is a dick
He wouldn't want me on his team anyway
Why'd he even kick Andrew off?
Eli: cause he said he doesn't want supposed "fags" on his team
I suggested u
He said it was a good one
He said he'll talk about it with you tonight
is that a good or bad sign? need some support bro?
Me: Who knows
But do you really want me to join?
Eli: as long as you're good baby ;)
Me: Roger Federer has got nothing on me
Eli: good, your dad got rid of our second best player
because ofc
no one is as good as me
Me: Wanna bet on that?
Eli: please
I don't wanna embarrass you
but we could meet at the courts tomorrow
Me: See you tomorrow at 4
Eli: good
then it's a date ;)
Me: Yes, a date


Charlie flopped onto his bed exasperated. Eli threw himself down next to him breathing heavily.

Through panting Eli said, "Did we have to race back here, too? I underestimated how far you lived from the tennis court."

"Eli it wasn't that far, it was about a mile and a half. I ran slowly just for you."

"Nah Charles baby, you're like a cardiovascular machine. You were so fast, my legs can only go so far."

"Don't catch up next time, stay behind."

"Funny funny, you're totally not a dick." Charlie sat up and winked at him. "Oh fuck you. Good game though, it's nice to finally have a challenge. No offense to Canelli but I could still beat him with my eyes closed."

"I bet. Canelli is a real douche."

"Hell yeah he is Charles! I can't believe he could be such a cunt bro. I know I haven't been here for long but I notice things I'm not stupid. It sucks that since I'm in his friend group everything thinks I'm an asshole too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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