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"The thing about scars is, they are only visible to the people who haven't caused them."

She hold onto the photo as if her life depended on it.

She couldn't see clearly, her vision was blurred as her whole body racked with each sob. Her shoulders were shaking and she couldn't control the tears streaming down her face, all she could think about was the aching pain in her chest.

Her heart was breaking into a million pieces and she knew the only one who could fix this mess is the one who created it, but no matter what she couldn't find it in her heart to hate him despite what he had done to her. She hold onto every loving memory she had of them together, knowing this would be the last time she would allow it to happen.

Her whole world shattered around her as she realised he destroyed way more than just her fragile heart. Because with it he destroyed the confidence she built and her self-doubting persona came back again, making her question what she did wrong.

Every good change she made suddenly reversed and she went back to the quiet, and insecure girl everyone knew who built walls higher than the mountains around her just to prevent herself from suffering. The only difference, she didn't recognise herself anymore, it seemed like she became even more closed off than before, shutting everybody out and losing sight of reality.

But just before she left for good, she decided that nobody was worth her tears and that she can be just as strong as everybody else. She will change for the better and she will gain every ounce of self worth and confidence back and this time she would hit them with her best shot. With that in mind she brushed away her tears, promising to never let somebody affect her that way ever again. These would be the last tears that would fall down her beautiful face she vowed to herself and stepped into the car.

She will come back stronger.


A/N Hello out there. Yes I began a new story without even really beginning my other two, but I needed to write something that doesn't come with a whole lot of planning. Of course I will put in a lot of effort in this one, but this time I decided what my storyline will be and write whatever plot comes into my mind. And before anybody says how stupid this idea is or that this is no way to start a good story: watch me. My schedule is hectic but I can't live without writing, so I decided on something less time consuming.

Give this a shot please. Relax, get some tea and make yourself comfortable. I will make this work!

So that's how I, a german girl who is currently living in Canada is starting a new story on the 2nd December at 8:44 pm instead of doing homework. Happy 1st advent!! :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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