Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle

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                                           Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle

                                           A long eighteen knotted roped noose hangs and dangles whitin the early afternoon semi breezy air, apart of a tall wooden atypical put together standing gallows. semi beneath and beside this nooses rightside stands a royally dressed ,regal looking aged man with long white hair, and a skeletal build reading from a long unfurled papery stretch of parchment paper, he has a dep loud announcing toned type voice and is reading off a long, long list of charges that have been declared already against another man. A man who is standing a few feet away at this reading mans leftside, the charges are against himon this mans far left side stands a burly black hooded man dressed in a set of black long flowing clothes and boots, an executioner who works for this state. The man being read the charges to is named Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle, an as of recent privateer, whose luck has seemingly just ran out. A tall, short brown haired , blue eyed,a gruff looking man dressed in long clothy white clothes and black boots, who keeps glancing away from the reading mans long list of hand held charges and down a bit towards the far left and right amoungst the large muttering, laughing and angrily cursing crowd of many assorted people apart of a massive seeming crowd all attentively emassed in front of this wooden gallows spectacle,his hands bound with rope behind his lower backside. Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle stares and stares along and around at the crowd, further and further, all that peers back at him are angry and violent looking looks from even the most of innocently faced men, women and children. Captain Genre Debacle keeps thinking, hoping and praying to himself....about his ships crew...What became of them? Where could they be? Are any of them still alive?, or uncaptured?

                                           Suddenly the reader pauses coughs and hacks his breath and throat abit, lowers the long list of parchment and spits a glob of spit down off the gallows's furthest rightside. A few of the people in the crowd all instantly recoil verbally in digust, "eeewwwing" and "ahhhing" right back up and at the reader. The reader sniffles abit loudly and clears his throat looking back down at the front of the large crowd and nonchalantly, loudly remarks, "Bad sniffles be in this time a day...sorry there.", a slight sarcastic look and smile appearing across his aged face. He then continues reading off the further charges towards Captain Genre Debacle. He reads and reads then finishes staring at his long unfurled list and with his hands rolls it up and together into a semi long roll of parchment, his right hands fingers reach into his thin red coats lower right pocket pulling out of it a long thin golden looking strand of string. his fingers then tie it around the semi long tube of papers mid section.

                                           Another same regally dressed man approaches the readers left side atop the gallows, an almost white powdered short wigged man with a fat build upon him, whithin his left hand is another semi long tube of parchment rolled up and tied exactly the same as the readers whithin his left hand. At the same time as the  portly built man steps even closer to the reader they exchange each of their tubes of semi long parchments to one another.The portly built man then turns to the left and walks back down off the gallows along a few tall wooden, creaky stairs. The reader then un ties the golden looking string from this new parchment and puts it into his thin red coats lower pocket, then with his right hand firmly slides and pulls upward abit in front of him, outstretching and presenting it plainly in front of his eyes and pauses once again, staring at its many ye olde, black inked words scrolled upon it. The reader stares away from this new parchment and back over and down at the assorted jeering crowds people and loudly decrees aloud,"And now....the "second" list of charges against this here... Captain Mutiny Genre Debacle...."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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