Don't Make Me Worry | fluff & angst

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Your heart sank. You could feel it hitting the floor. Panicked, you checked the bathroom sink, hands desperately searching for it. Surely it was there, it had to be. You held back tears, on your hands and knees you searched the floor. Through blurry eyes you searched for the familiar diamond. The simple diamond ring Namjoon had given you to represent your love. The ring tying the two of you together in an enteral union. Your wedding ring.

You let out a frustrated moan when you couldn't find the gem. Hands pulling at your hair , you stomped to the bedroom, in blinded worry you checked the nightstand , tearing apart the bed, checking the sheets, emptying pillow cases, between the headboard and mattress.

Phone in your hand you got on all fours, flashlight setting enabled you searched under the bed, yearning to see a small gem glisten under the projected light. Much to your display, you didn't see your beloved ring. Letting out a cry of frustration you tossed your phone onto the bed.

You headed to the dirty laundry, emptying the hamper, checking all the pockets to your dirty clothing. Stomach embedding itself deeper and deeper into the ground with each empty pocket. Soon you were covered in your own little mountain of clothing, seated on the floor. Glancing at the alarm clock on the nightstand you felt like throwing up knowing that Namjoon would be home in twenty minutes.

"What am I gonna tell him?!" You cried, sobbing while seated in your mountain of clothing. "Hey Namjoon hate to tell you this but I might've just lost my wedding ring?!"

You had been searching for your wedding ring for hours now. Searching every bit of the house, the kitchen, the living room, Namjoon's office, the halls, and even the yard. The bedroom and bathroom being your last hopes of finding the ring.

Your wedding ring being very precious to you. It was the thing that symbolizes the love he has for you and you were foolish enough to loose such a thing. Lips ensnared in your teeth, eyes fixated on your naked finger . You always wore your ring. Always having it on your person, feeling it's worth on your finger. Always glancing at its beauty in the sunlight, flashing it whenever you could. You were proud to be married to Namjoon. It was something no one could take from you. A cherished item.

You stared down at your naked ring finger. Remembering when Namjoon slide it on your finger.


With timid eyes, you held in your tears as you looked at Namjoon in a black tux, a soft cream bow tie completely his tux. A preacher standing next to him, a gentle elder , a smile painting his soft aged featured. You clutched the arm of your father, the only thing keeping you in the now. The only thing keeping you from believing this was a dream.

With small steps you continued walking down the aisle , heart thundering in your chest with each step. The soft smile on Namjoon's face, his eyes a bit watery as he looked at you. His fringe gently wishing over his eyelashes. His hair delicately styles, fringe gracing his face, the rest of it slicked back. His dimples gently peering at you. He took your breath away. He made you weak.

Shivering, you let go of your father's arm , taking your place at the alter facing Namjoom. The preacher holding a red cushion, in its middle lay two rings . Breath hitched.

"Do you Kim Namjoon take this young lady to be your partner ? To share an enteral love? To forever be connected in union?"

"I do."

With gentle fingers he lifted the ring , the small diamond glistening in the light, you bit you lip as he gently glided the gem onto your naked finger.


You fisted the clothing, tears dropping onto the fabric, damping it. Too caught in remembering the day Namjoon had given the precious jewel. You didn't hear the door click.

"Y/n ?, honey, what are you doing on the floor?" His deep voice etched with concern as he saw you sitting on the bedroom floor. Surrounded in a mountain of clothing, tears running down your face.

You bit your lip, "I lost it." You muttered .

He furrowed his brows , "Lost what baby?"

You let out a shaky breath, "My ring! Joon I lost it !" You whimpered . "I looked for hours ! I didn't mean to! I searched everywhere, I'm so sorry Joon I didn't mean to be so careless and misplace it, you know it means the world to me I just ...." You cried, ugly tears running down your face as you sat there in the dirty laundry, crying at Namjoon's feet.

He let out a sigh, squatting down to your height , his gentle thumbs wiped your tears. A soft smile on a his face. "Do you really not remember hun?" He asked, giving your cheeks soft pecks, his lips kissing away the tears.

"Remember what?!" You wailed, feeling horrible that he was being so nice about you losing your wedding ring.

He continued to kiss away the tears, "Baby, you were complaining to me that your ring was loose." His voice gentle as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a familiar black velvet box. You stared at the ring box in his hand. More tears threatening to fall. "J-Joon!!" you wailed even more. Hands eagerly grabbing for the box.

He chuckled, pulling you into his lap, his large hands opened the box and there in a small bed of red silk cushioning was your precious ring. With gentle fingers, he took it out of the box , taking your hand on his. He slid the gem back onto your naked finger. Just like he had done on your wedding day. "I had it resized for you."

"You jerk!!" You laughed , relief filling your being. The familiar gem decorating your ring finger once more. He took your hand in his, his fingers interwoven with his, his ring gently touching yours. Planting a soft kiss on your lips, "Sorry, I made you worry." He held you against him, the two of you still perched in your mountain of dirty laundry. His thumb running over the ring he had given you a year ago. Your precious jewel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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