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  • Dedicated to Andrew Groneman

Information about this book: 

I don't want to give to much away but this book is about a teenage girl that wakes up with a replay of your dream from the night before, finding her world to be upside down. She finds a family member died her in home and her twin brother missing. She soons finds out that her world isn't as normal as she thought it was. This has spiritual world and magic in it. I wrote this book many years ago and than lost all of the material, I started from only what I had in my mind and making the rest come to life as I go. Please comment, vote or message with feedback. Thank you. Happy reading!

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Chapter 1

“Beep, beep, beep!!”

Probably the most annoying sound ever is ones’ alarm clock. Especially when you hate waking up early. I knew I needed to wake up and get ready, face the day…. And school… I was about to roll over and shut it off when all of sudden it felt like 200 pounds was on top of me, knocking the wind out of me… And then the most annoying song ever.

“It’s time to get out of bed,

It’s time to get out of bed!

You slept all night and now its bright.

It’s time to get out bed!!

oh, GeorgiaLee wake up!”

         All of this lovely noise was my twin brother Chad, who just loves uses how mom use to wake us up. He does this way more often than a 16 year boy should.. but then again he is a boy. I pushed him off of me, which made him fall to the ground.

“Haha, thats what you get!” With a hint of annoyance in my voice as my alarm was still going off, I got up and turned it off.

“Why do you got to be so mean?? I just dont want you to be late for school… again!” Chad said getting up and walking out pretending to be hurt by me pushing him down. Before I could say anything else he went into the next room to bug our little sister, Brielle and then Bradley. We may be twins but we are hardly a like. He loves mornings and I hate them, we hardly like the same thing at all, the one thing we do like the same is running and reading.

I started getting ready for the day, not taking long because i could care less. I decided on a jeans, a red shirt with a black tank top underneath it, with red flats and black rosed earrings. I did very little makeup just to cover up my tiredness, taking a look in the mirror to see how I looked. My light brown hair rested on my shoulders, still growing out from when I decided and regretted cutting it really short, I had gray eyes that some said made me look really mean from a first glance, my clothes formed my shape pretty well, I say I am normal size, I have some fat on me cause of my habit of snacking at midnight, I try to workout but  I seem to never lose it in the places I think I should. I try not to focus on the negative about my body because that doesn’t do anyone any good.

I was grabbing my backpack when I heard footsteps coming my way. I turned around thinking it was Chad coming back to bug me. Instead I saw my little sister Brielle coming in. She was the youngest of us four kids, really shy with blonde hair, deep blue eyes and was five. She looked like me but not quite. We were half sisters yet that never comes between us. She walked over and sat on my bed, I could tell she wanted to say something but she didn’t know how to start or wanted too. I went and sat by her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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