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"see you later, bro." Swap Papyrus, also known as Stretch, spoke as he waved goodbye to his older brother, Blue. His brother was going for a party. A party which only 'Sanses' could go, for some reason. But it's alright, since they have also their also 'Papyruses' party too. Blueberry waved back, smiling the brightest smile he had ever seen before skipping away. Stretch chuckled at his brother's behaviour.

Closing the door gently, he walked back to the couch and sat there, before he started switching through the different channels, before stopping at one which was showing an interesting horror movie. He sipped his honey as he started watching it attentively.

He didn't know how much time has passed since he has been watching the movie before the door bell rang. He stood up, and walked towards the door, thinking that it was his brother. He opened the door, ready to embrace his childish older brother but...



Stretch fell down, blood dripping down his ribcage before he looked up, at the person that had hurted him. The figure had a mask. A mask with a smile. A wicked smile. At first, he thought the killer was a human. But... he gasped. The figure had white silky fingers which resembles those of a skeleton. The killer was a skeleton! But... who?

"I'm sorry that I have to do this..." The figure spoke. The voice was familiar, oh so familiar... He couldn't be sure who it actually was. "w-who...a-and...w-why...?" Stretch finally managed to spoke. "I can't tell you why, but I can show you who I am." The figure replied. They lifted up their mask...to reveal...

Stretch gasped at the figure. He couldn't believe that they were the one. It couldn't be... The killer's face were the last thing that he had carved in his mind...

Before he was dusted...

"so, how was the party blue?" Sans asked as they started walking home. "IT WAS AMAZING! THERE WERE SO MUCH FOOD AND THE DISCO PART WAS MY FAVOURITE!" Blue excitedly spoke as Sans chuckled. "that's good to know."

"OH! THERE'S MY HOUSE! BYE SANS!" Blue spoke as he pointed out his house. "bye blueberry." Sans replied as he waved, before walking towards his own house, which was just a few blocks away. Blue ran towards his house, excited to tell his brother about what had happened.

He pressed the door bell, preparing to give his brother a bone crushing hug, as he waited for Stretch to open the door. But, the door didn't open. Blue's smile fell. What was taking his brother so long? Oh! Maybe he had fell asleep! Blue thought, his smile coming back as he reached out for his phone, before dialing Stretch's number. He waited patiently for Stretch to pick up. No response.

Blue's smile fell again. He reached for his keys, to realize that he didn't brought it with him. How silly of him! Blue face palmed himself. I guess the only way to get in... was to destory the door open... Blue thought. "BROTHER! STAY AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" Blue shouted before he cracked the door open with some bones. Finally, he had got in! Blue mentally praised himself, before he saw the scene in front of him.


A orange hoodie was stained with blood, in the pile of dust. There was something that the supposedly killer had wrote right below the pile of dust and hoodie. Taking a closer look, it said:


He can't move. His body was rattling in fear, as tears dripped down his eye sockets. Still shaking, he slowly reached out for his phone, before pressing a contact name. His hands were shaking so much.

"heya blue." It was Sans. Blue couldn't even string his words into complete sentences. He just wanted this nightmare to be over. "Papyrus...Blood...Dust..." He quietly spoke, as Sans' voice came through the speakers. "w-what?! blue are you alright there?!" Blue didn't reply back. His eye lights, now a dimmed grey as his tears kept dripping down.

"i'm calling the police and i would be there soon. stay where you are." Sans spoke with a serious tone in his voice before he hang up. Blue just stared at the dust, with no emotion. And on that day...

A seedling was seen, growing peaceful out from the dirt.

A Serial Sans KillerWhere stories live. Discover now