The watering hole

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My name is Feldrem of the chestnut family, for millennia my people have inhabited this planet with no knowledge of our origin and no real plans for the future. Our race dangles on the precipice of a delicate cycle wrought for chaos. I am a sapling conjoined with my people and this planet, confined to a life of constant solitude and zero privacy. Were all connected at the roots, the elders say our people replaced the planet's core with them. We led a peaceful existence and upheld a strict hierarchy, the elders protect the reservoir and ration out water to different root systems between rains. The elders only speak with the seed bears of each system to determine which one needs more water, and the seed bears produce the next generation. My job as a sapling is to grow and become a seed bearer. My race knows nothing but peace and the occasional visitor. Till one day the ground shook, now our planet is no stranger to quakes; little did we know this one was different.

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