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What is Blockchain?

A "block" is a collection of data and each piece of data is added to the blockchain by connecting one block after another in a chronological way,much in the same way a row of a spreadsheet follows another row. Blockchain is a ledger which is immutable i.e once something is written in it, It cannot be changed or removed. This ledger stores information, which can be anything from transaction information to persons details.

Different areas where the Blockchain Technology can be applied are

Banking Sector

Financial Institutes

Insurance Sectors

Media and Entertainment Sector

Government and Public Sector

Healthcare and Life science sector

Retail and E Commerce Sector

Automotive Sector and more

Why Blockchain?

There are MANY features that makes a Blockchain different from all other data structures in Market Right Now. There are no centralised databases in a Blockchain. No one individual or party in the system has the power to modify or tamper with the data.

Greater transparency

Enhanced security

Improved traceability

Increased efficiency and speed

Reduced costs


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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