The Game Room 06, Flight of Fancy

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The Game Room 06, Flight of Fancy

"This is my lover, this my friend, O Daughters of Jerusalem."--Song of Solomon 5:16


Roni and Greg were just out for a drive, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It was a bright, sunny day, and perfect for a minor road trip. They had no plans, just to enjoy the road. Roni was at the wheel.

Greg asked Roni, "Why haven't we heard from the Daughters of Jerusalem lately?"

"Why haven't you heard from the Daughters of Jerusalem lately?" she replied. "I have been busy with them, quite a lot, and quite recently."

"I never would have guessed," Greg said.

"Well, I've learned a lot, and a lot about how things work with them. It seems that there is quite a lot of idle time in our lives and brain patterns, and you can do two things at once, and it just fits in."

"So what have you been doing with all this time?" Greg asked.

"Well, since I kicked Goliath's ass at the Colosseum, they have been working on my ball skills. They expect me to be an asset at outings and picnics and staged events. So I am still working with Babe Didrikson on golf, baseball and softball. I'm learning tennis from Billie Jean King, And there's--"

Greg interrupted. "Billie Jean King, she's not dead--."

Veronica finished, "And then there's Gloria Steinem. She's bringing me up to speed on how it works. She's not dead either; neither am I, Greg. It is a supernatural thing but it is not a life-after-death thing.

"So, Gloria Steinem is a journalist, and she knows how to explain things. She's also very smart. So, this is how it works.

"Way back in the time of King Solomon, the Daughters of Jerusalem became aware of an other-worldliness. They could not really explain what was happening, but there was a 'merging of consciousness' which brought them all together. They could have meetings and decide fates and fortunes outside of normal life. For lack of better terms, they called it 'life and love.' That seemed to be the core of their existence outside of normal life, and the core of their influence. It was like a dream world, but it had real substance and real impact on the ordinary world.

"They came together from their normal lives into the other realm, all of them, from Mother Eve to the Queen of Sheba, together at the same time frame and in the same place."

"Duality of existence," Greg said.

"They did not know, or much care, it was just 'life and love.'

"Then, in the 1920's, radio became commonplace, and they realized that something like that was at the core of their functioning. So they changed the saying to 'live (as in five,) and love,' because there was something like 'live' radio at work in their other-worldly realm. 'Everybody tune in!'

"That didn't last long before there was a new 'look' at the core of the Daughters of Jerusalem. New discoveries led to new realizations. There is mitochondrial DNA, which always is passed down from mother to child, therefore the daughters of Jerusalem. Mitochondria are the fuel centers of all cells. And there is quantum entanglement, where there is linkage between subatomic particles. As best as they can figure out, it is quantum entanglement of subatomic particles within the mitochondrial DNA that allows for this other realm of existence, and across time barriers. Now they call it 'live (as in give,) and love."

"But why you and why me?" Greg asked.

"Remember when we first met, and I said the only book of the Bible that we need is Song of Solomon, Song of Songs? Well, I had read it so often, that it keyed the Daughters of Jerusalem in on me. You are just along for the ride."

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