Chapter 1

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Phil stared blankly out of the car window watching the rain hit the pavement, millions of thoughts ran through his mind, he wanted this school to be different, he just wanted to be able to stay at a school longer than a couple of months for a change, maybe this school would be okay? The taxi man slammed on the breaks which woke Phil out of his daze, he was parked up in front of his new school; St Ellis' high school. Phil thanked him and slowly got out of the car, his heart beating 10 miles a minute. he hurried to the door.

'what a great way to start a new school Phil, being late' he thought as he crept through the empty halls, luckily for Phil he was only five minutes late so he could just slip into tutor and nobody would notice, well he thought that anyway but then he remembered being a 5"11, 16 year old boy is kind of hard to be invisible.

he raced up the 2 flights of stairs then burst through the door for room 301. All eyes turned to the skinny figure standing in the doorway, Phil bowed his head and was instructed to sit down quickly. Being the only seat left he sat down at the back and settled down. The teacher ranted on and on about the school rules and stuff. Phil had picked up that every teacher does this, every year and they say the exact same stuff, so by now he could probably recite it off by heart.

20 minutes had passed and she was still going on, so Phil started taking in his surroundings, he turned to see who he would be sharing his next few years with (he hoped), next to him was a tanned, skinny mocha brown haired boy burying his face into his folded arms. Phil looked carefully at the slumped over boy and decided it would be best if he didn't disturb him, being the new kid and all, bothering people probably wouldn't be a good idea right now.

The bell rang and Phil left quietly, trying not to to draw attention to himself. Phil was determined to not be late to his first class which was English; luckily phil enjoyed English and didnt mind working hard for it, so he quickly hurried down the hallway.

The hallways were crowded and loud, phil could hear every conversation people were having, every girly gossip, every football score being shared, but Phil tried to block it out and stay invisible. That's probably the best idea since if he was invisible, nobody could hurt him right?

Then everyone strangely died down; a yell came from back down the hallway, 'You better run you fag!' echoed across the school.

Phil shuddered and turned round, the word 'fag' haunted him. He felt like he was back at his old school, everything suddendly had come back to him, all the fights, all the aches and pains, all the wounds that had now formed scars, it all came back in a flash.

had they found him? is this going to happen all over again? would he have to move again? Phil hoped the answers were no.

he felt a strong gush go past him which knocked him back slightly, he glanced down the hall and all he could see was 5 extremely muscular guys sprinting after someone. All Phil could think is how bad he felt for that guy, 'but at least it wasnt me right?'

The next few periods flew by, which he was a little disappointed in, he hoped that he would actually learn something useful since the school had amazing reviews on websites, but it was really clear that none of the teachers here gave a shit about their students education.

But hey, it would be worst?

So far phil thought this school could be a new start for him, he could maybe see a future being here, sure it wasn't the best of education, however that didn't matter because phil was putting his health before studies now.

Everyone had already gone for break, so the hallways were pretty much desolate, apart from a distant groan phil had only just noticed, he followed the sound which led him into a rundown bathroom door with water seeping underneath it. there inside was a crumpled up boy was sobbing in the corner.

Phil leaned over and turned the taps off to stop the water overload. Then carefully trod around trying not to get himself soaked and put his hand out to help the poor boy, covered in fresh cuts and bruises which phil winced at the sight of.

"Hey, you need any help there?" phil asked gently.

The fragile teen turned to see Phil's hand held out and flinched.

"Oh god sorry! I was only trying to help you get up, what's your name?" He said after realising what he must be thinking and tucked his hand away

"W-what do you care" The stranger croaked

"Well anyone would be curious to see a boy lying on the floor crying" phil said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Believe me, everyone here is used to seeing this sight" he mumbled pointing to himself

"My names dan.. Just so you know" he added.

"Okay dan, I promise I won't hurt you; I'm only trying to help, I'm Phil by the way" Phil smiled

Still not trusting this stranger, Dan shook his head. He slowly started emerging from the Ground and hissed at the pain getting up caused.

Phil was taken back by face that stood in front of him, it was the crumpled over boy from earlier. He hadn't noticed the beauty of the boy before but now he had. He must have been staring for a while because he could feel the awkward tension growing around them, but phil couldn't help but stare, his deep rich eyes could stare into your soul, his messy hair still fell perfectly into place framing his jaw line. He was perfection even with blotchy cheeks and tear stained puffy eyes. He was perfect!

Wait what?

Snap out of it phil.

What are you thinking?!

You can't let this one guy ruin this

You know what will happen if this school finds out!

Keep this quiet or you will be moving schools again

And that won't be the biggest problem.

A/N ~ okay so hey, that was my first chapter, it is kinda just a little storyline for the actual story but I hope you enjoyed it and I will be sure to add some more if you do. Feel free to correct me on anything I did wrong or anything you think I should change about the way I write

Okay thanks guys


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