1 Wizards exists, and so does Demigods

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Note: I do not own any of the following characters. Also, yes, I do know that the timeframe for the original two stories is different, but here I will just "adjust" it a little to fit. This happens after Harry and Hermione visits Nagini/Bathlida Bagshot and after Percy created that explosion in that volcano and was blasted to...Scotland in my story. Read and Comment:)

  Afterward, I could never describe what happened. An explosion, a tidal wave, a whirlwind of power simultaneously catching me up and blasting me downward into the lava. Fire and water collided, superheated steam, and Ishot upward from the heart of the volcano in a huge explosion, just one pieceof flotsam thrown free by a million pounds of pressure. The last thing I remember before losing conscious was flying, flying so high Zeus would never have forgiven me, and then beginning to fall, smoke and fire and water streaming from me. I was a comet hurtling toward the earth.( Original text from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Battle of the Labyrinth)   

Percy's P.O.V.     


Surprisingly, he landed somewhere rather soft. That was the last thing he felt before drifting into unconciousness...and woke up to screaming and hissing. 

 Instinctively, his ADHD and fighter instincts kicked in and he sat up straight, looking around. Almost immediately, he saw...ummm, a snake emerging from a old woman? His guts twisted and wondered what mythological monster that is. Unfortunately, Annabeth was not with him now and can't provide him the with the answers and hopefully, the way to kill it. Heck, where is Annabeth when you need her?

He jumped up anyway, pulled out Riptide and was ready to battle that monster and save the two screaming mortals in the house nearby. Just as he approached the house, he  saw a small explosion happen inside and two teenagers about his age rushed out, the bushy-haired girl carrying the unconscious boy with messy dark hair like his and glasses. The girl spotted him. She dashed towards him as Percy charged towards the twitching snake in the house with Riptide. 

"No, don't! Run! He is coming any minute, and you WON'T stand a chance against him. Here, hold on to my arm!" Percy blinked. Who?

"DO IT OR YOU DIE!!!" she cried and Percy finally did. With a loud crack, they disapperated.

A few moments later...

They appeared in a forest. Cold. That was the first thing that came to Percy's mind. He looked around and saw small tent nearby and lots of snow on the ground.  Disoriented from the Apparition and the still rather exhausted, he collapsed to the ground. 

"...Where am I?"

"In  the forest of Dean. Are you ok?" asked the girl, kneeling. Then other boy  laid unconcious on the forest floor . 

"How did we get here? Are you a Half-blood too?" asked Percy.

"Magic. And no, I am a Muggle-born. What, you are a Death-Eater?"

What the heck is a Muggle-born and Death-Eater? And magic? Really? But...how did we teleport to this forest? Also, is that girl British? Wait...Forest of Dean...Did I land in England????????

"Is this England?" asked a disbelieving Percy.

"You are American? Huh..." The girl shook her head. "Never mind. Now that you are fine and all, I will have to oblivate you"

And then she whipped a wooden stick from inside her jacket. And aimed it at Percy's head.

"Woah woah, chill. Why are you pointing a stick at me?" He raised his hands.

"A stick..." The girl seemed offended "Never mind...obli-"

"Hey!" Percy shouted, temporarily distracting the girl from completing the incarnation. He swiftly took out Riptide uncapped it. Whatever the the girl said, it did not sound good to him. Is she a monster? Why would she save me then? To eat me?

"Hey! Expelliarmus!" The girl shouted as Percy charged towards her with Riptide. As it by magic, the sword flew out of Percy's hands and landed on the forest floor, away from Percy. He was shocked. How did she do that? Is she a child of Hecate, the goddess of Magic? He stood there, stunned, as the girl raised her wand again.

"What was that for?"

"Why did you try to attack me?" he retorted.

"Muggles can't know about the Wizarding Community. Not that the Minstry cares about these things nowadays, allowing Death-Eaters to kill as they pleased, Dementors everywhere and that Vol- no, better not say his name-controlling them and all, Muggle-borns arrested for no good reason. and Muggles dying right, left and center..." the girl trailed off, laughing dryily.

"I have no idea what you just said, but it sounded terrible."

"It is. Now, for your own good, I will need to oblivate you, else the death eaters come looking for you, since you have seen me and him. Obli-"

"Don't! Umm I am not a muggle, so don't oblivate me!" He had no idea what oblivate mean, but it didn't sound good, like she is going to magic a box of nectar and ambrosia into his hands and wish him luck. Neither do he know what a "Muggle" is, but he is fairly certain she doesn't mean Demigods.

"What are you, then? asked the girl suspiciously.

"A Demigod!"

The girl arched her eyebrows. "A Demi-what?"


Thanks guys for reading this. Please comment to let me know if it is any good. This my first fanfiction so thank you!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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