The Beginning

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The news was everywhere and hard to ignore, filled with social media posts and just plain news reports. A solar eclipse was coming up. A young girl rolled her eyes. She was never in the diagonal of the solar eclipse, she never saw it in totality. She lost interest with it because of that.

The young girl's name was Rebecca, she had red hair, green eyes and freckles. Her hair bobbed and short, layers to create a nice feathery appeal. She wore black frames glasses with prescription lens.

"Are you excited Becca?" She heard a friend of her's ask.
"About what?" Becca wondered.
"The eclipse! You're going to see it right? It's gonna look so beautiful and right up your alley!" Her friend, Aliyah told her.
"Oh please, it's only going to be partial here and there's no way I'm leaving Connecticut just to go see it in totality." Becca sighed.
"I agree. It's a waste of time." A male wandered over to the two ladies who smiled at his presence.
"Hey B." Becca greeted his presence.

His full name was Brendan, but Becca always found her mind just found it easier to dumb it down to B. Even though she knew the blonde boy for the majority of her life. He had short hair like any male should. He had soft blue eyes.
Aliyah on the other hand had shoulder length black and wavy hair. Her eyes more of a hazel color. Not to mention she was just an inch shorter than Becca, who walked at 5'2. Anyone taller She just labeled as tall, not being able to really remember their heights.

"You were talking about the eclipse right?" Brendan made sure.
"Yeah. Aliyah asked if I was excited about it." Becca modded.
"Well I think it's stupid because Connecticut will never be in the pathway." Brendan huffed.
"Yeah well, nobody asked for your opinion." Aliyah quickly added, causing a slight giggle from Becca.

Brendan let out a sigh. It was their senior year of High School, and the three were ready to leave the blasted location. But they had plenty of good memories lingered around the forsaken building, mostly with each other and their group of friends. It was lunch block at the moment so they felt relatively relaxed, waiting for two others to come join them at the table. Within minutes, they strolled with trays.

"Bout time you two got here." Brendan mentioned.
"Hey, listen. The hot lunch lines are always the longest. Especially for nuggets." One stated.
"And Alyssa didn't want to stand in line alone." The other scoffed.

The two were both girls, one with long black hair with dyed brown ends creating a nice ombré. Her eyes also a gentle brown. Her name was Alyssa, and the other girl was Aliya. Aliya has dark brown hair with blue sharp eyes. Both were in fact, taller than Aliyah and Becca.

"Oh, Becca, Destiny is in the lunch because her class is having a test, so she's going to come sit with us, if that's ok." Aliya mentioned.
"Yeah that's fine." Becca shrugged.
"Oh, there'll be tension of torn lovers." Brendan dramatically exclaimed.
Becca simply rolled her eyes.

The last young girl to join the group hurried over and took the last empty seat next to Becca. Her name was Destiny. Becca and Destiny has been dating previously but they stayed close friends. She had long brown dyed hair and the real pretty light blue eyes. She also wore glasses, just like everyone else at the table.

"So what about you guys? Brendan and Becca aren't excited about the eclipse." Aliyah tattled.
"Are you kidding me? It's supposed to be beautiful, and my mom is taking me to see it." Aliya smiled. "They only happen every so often." She added.
"I'm also not going to see it, but I agree that if you can you should." Alyssa chuckled.
"I don't know if I'm going to see it because I'm already twice grounded." Destiny confessed.
"What'd you do this time?" Becca asked curiously.
"Well, the twice grounding was when they found out I was using my second phone after they took away my first phone when I was grounded the first time." Destiny laughed.
Becca shook her head, a slight smile lingered.

However, while Aliya was scrolling through her phone, she squinted at it. Glanced up at the group and then back at her phone, immediately yanking their attention.

"What is it?" Alyssa peeked over her shoulder.
"There's a lunatic on Twitter whose getting a bunch of popularity right now." Aliya told them. "He's going on and on about how this solar eclipse is going to be different. That everywhere will see it in totality." She glanced up, looking for the reactions.
"That's not possible." Destiny, Becca , and Brendan said nearly in sync.
"Is it?" Aliyah wondered.
"Yeah. There's no way the sun and moons pathways can have them cross for all of the world." Becca stated.
"I guess that's why everyone's calling him a lunatic." Aliya laughed.

They laughed in agreement. But it got them thinking and taking a glance at the sun outside the windows of the cafeteria. If something did change would they really be able to know ahead of time? And if that lunatic was right, what would happen if the entire world saw the eclipse in totality. When they meandered back to class where Becca has access to chromebooks, she did research and slowly discovered there was plenty of people supporting the mans ideas. Having created diagrams of the sun and moons orbits. At some point they may pass by each other for an extended time.

But something just didn't seem right. Something just didn't add up about the idea of how it'd could ever happen. Why would it happen? Could the sun and moon really sync up?

Thoughts began to race through Rebecca's mind, and it seemed with her ex as well. As suddenly a group chat popped up on her phone.

Destiny added: Brendan White, Rebecca Sears, Aliya McClelland, Aliyah Morse, and Alyssa Bartley to a group Chat
Destiny Editted: Group Chat name to Eclipse Chat

Destiny: Guys. What if he's right?

Rebecca looked at the message, before glancing over at her friends, who were too looking at their phones before typing.

Brendan: Who? The Lunatic?
Destiny: Yeah! What if he's correct... have you seen the diagrams and images people have been posting?
Rebecca: I have. They make logical sense but it still doesn't prove how it would be visable everywhere... even China and stuff wouldn't have a solar eclipse.
Aliya: Becca's right. It doesn't make sense.
Destiny: Yeah... I guess.
Brendan: Well, Aliya you're going to see it right?
Aliya: Yeah. I guess... I'll let you guys know what happens, if you let me know.
Rebecca: Yeah. I think we'll all see if this random internet guy is right.
Destiny: Yeah..
Alyssa: what are we talking about?

Rebecca locked her phone with a scoff at her friend. She stood up from her seat, tossing her bag over her shoulder before heading to the window to look out at the sun now sitting close to 2pm.

"All set?" Brendan asked.
"I have a bad feeling B." Rebecca sighed.
"Understandable. If that person's right... something may just be very wrong." Brendan looked at her.

Rebecca took a deep breath, as the digital bell dung, and it was time to head home.

"We'll just have to wait and see."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2019 ⏰

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