Summer is Ending

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Our scene begins on a bright and sunny morning in the playground. The general area is empty, completely void of any activity. But very quickly was this silence broken with a sharp rumble coming from beneath the ground. The gazebo in the middle of the playground rose off of it's foundation to reveal a large gaping hole bordered by sharp tooth-like apertures, the M.O.N.S.T.E.R. Slithering forth from the hole came several dark grey tentacles with oval-shaped glowing pustules on them. the tentacles latched on to the other structures on the playground and dragged out the body in which they were attached to… a large one-eyed electrical creature similar to an octopus. The wayne phenomenon known as the ‘akamui’.

The akamui perched itself onto the stairs going down from the gazebo and let out a ghastly wail. Its greenish-yellow eye locked onto the roof of the looming tower in front of it, the wayne. then its focus shifted to the back of the tall building, calculating how to climb to the top. But as it positioned itself to advance toward the wayne, a small object hit it in the back of the head. The akamui used one of its tentacles to grab the object that had hit it, but as soon as it turned to view the object, a metal claw suddenly grabbed the tentacle and yanked it down. The akamui snapped upright, and it saw the eight children that had just picked a fight with it.

The eight children were Ansi, Olly, Saraline, Wendell, Leif, Dennis, Goodness, and Katherine-alice. They are well known as the protectors of the wayne and its residents, and the saviors of the building on two separate occasions. They are known as the Gyre.

Wendell turned to Saraline, “That's right, you giant frog mop! Im talkin ta YOU!” With a wave of his hand, a single spoon rose from his bathrobe. “Saraline, back me up. I'm gonna go for his eye next.” He waved his hand again, and the levitating spoon began to shoot for the akamui's large eye. But the beast quickly swatted it away, and as it grew with rage, its slimy skin began glow as it electrically charged itself.

“Wendell watch yourself!” Saraline yelped as she grabbed wendell away from the beast just in time to avoid getting hit by the electrically charged tentacle.

Saraline then turned to the rest of the gyre waiting patiently behind her. “Don't let it touch you guys, that thing has enough electricity in one square centimeter of its skin to kill an adult human!”

Ansi, the tall, sweaty boy, got very nervous. “K-kill? We haven't had such high stakes before...” He began to mumble to himself and stim quietly with his hands when Olly piped up next to him. “I think we have, though. Remember when we dipped ourselves in the beem waterfall? We totally would have died there!”

Goodness landed in front of them as she was fighting two of the akamui's tentacles. “Now's not the time to reminisce! We need to get this thing back into the M.O.N.S.T.E.R so it can't get onto the roof.” She took out her weapon, a circle-ish object with claws, and cut open one of the tentacles. The akamui wailed in pain.

ansi took out his sword, the zig zag, and reached out to goodness. “watch out for its skin!” He said as he tried to poke the akamui away with his sword.

Katherine-Alice came forth, lightly tapping ansi on the shoulder. “Don't worry, she has her ninja suit on. That suit is proofed against pretty much everything.” A loud yelp made them both turn to the akamui. Who had smacked goodness onto the stairs, she rolled down them for a bit before stopping and laying still. “Well, except for that.” Katherine alice corrected herself as she took out paper ninja stars and joined her friend in the fight.

Behind the akamui, Leif drove around on his segway while Dennis stood on a wagon attached to the back and shot tennis balls at it, keeping the phenomena from retreating towards the wayne. Ansi ran to the back toward them. “hey guys, can i tag back here with you guys, i wanna help you push him back.” He laughed nervously as he slowly stepped back. Dennis turned back to him. “Cut the crap, sweaty boy, we all know you wanna chicken out.”

Leif turned to the blondie with a scowl. “Be nice to him, Denny! I'll let you know that i wanted to ‘chicken out’ as well.” He turned to ansi, “And if i can be brave and fight the monster, you can do it too, andy boy!” Dennis sighed to himself. Then the akamui slammed a tentacle down in front of leifs segway, causing him to swerve. Dennis lost balance and one of his tennis balls flew straight into one of the glowing pustules on a loose tentacle, popping it. suddenly, the area around the popped pustule turned purple and the akamui lost its electricity.

“Dennis!” Saraline yelled out. “I don't know how you did it, but you just made it much easier to get him into the M.O.N.S.T.E.R!”

she turned and grabbed one of the akamui's tentacles with snatch adams, her weapon. “Guys, we need to shove it back before it can get its electricity back.”

Then, attached to his grapvine, olly swooped in and kicked the akamui in the eye. The beast let out a painful wail and began to slither backwards as it rubbed its eye. The still open M.O.N.S.T.E.R caught suction of the beast. as it tried to suck the akamui in, the beast flailed its tentacles wildly, trying to grab onto something so it can pull itself back out.

The flailing tentacles kept everyone at bay. As olly swung back and forth on whatever his grapvine was attached to, he called out “Ansi! the akamuis leaving a path open for you! You gotta go punch it so it goes in!” Ansi turned to him “No way am i gonna go near that thing!” He cried out. But even as he said it, something deep within him drove him to move forward.

As Ansi stepped closer to the phenomena, its large gaping maw opened up at him. Showing many rows of sharp teeth leading to a beak not unlike the beak on a normal octopus. Ansi took out the zig-zag sword and lightly tapped the beast's upper lip with it. This sent the akamui, with one last flighting screech, back into the hole from whence it came. As it was sucked in, its many tentacles glossed over ansi's body, leaving him covered in a thick transparent goo.

Ansi was, for sure, traumatised. Olly bounced over and gave him a big bear hug, wiping the goo on him too. “You did it! You pushed that wayne phenomena all the way back into the M.O.N.S.T.E.R!” he giggled to himself as he snuggled into his gooey friend.

Saraline strolled over. “This is very worrying. We still don't know why that W.P. is going after the roof. It may or may not be going after the arcsine statue.” She glanced at the roof with a worried look on her face. “We can't have that. I won't let it happen.”

Leif came and put his hand on saralines shoulder. “Well, I don't have time to worry about that, saraline. I procrastinated on my summer project all season, and i need to go do that before school starts again.”

“That's exactly it!” Saraline started back up again, she began to pace in front of the other gyre members. “Schools about to start! And we still have so much to deal with. What if the akamui comes onto the roof while were locked in a classroom far away? We won't be able to do anything!”

She turned to ansi and olly. “You two get cleaned up somewhere. I'm going to take the rest of the gyre home and discuss the future of this team.”

“I am completely fine with that.” Ansi straightened himself up. “Come on olly, there's an outdoor shower by the hotdog stand.” Ansi turned around and started walking away from the gyre and olly began to gallop as he started following him.

They strolled around the gazebo, and out of sight.

To be Continued

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