Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is the first chapter of a full story that I am writing. The main characters will be: Spider-Man (obviously); the Avengers (because I can); the Ultimates (because they are awesome) and the Web Warriors (because why not?). There won't be many other characters because I don't want to keep forgetting people, but I may add more characters if you really want me to.

Spider-Man was excited. Really excited. The Avengers had asked Fury if they could borrow the Ultimates and Web Warriors to Avengers Tower for two weeks, an entire fortnight, so that they could get the 'Avengers experience'. Fury had, reluctantly, agreed. The S.H.I.E.L.D. director couldn't fathom why he had agreed to it, he assumed that it was probably Spider-Mans begging that made him make such a rash decision. No one, not even Fury, could resist Spider-Man when he really wanted something.

Spider-Man was bouncing off the walls, not literally, yet. He was excited; two out of three of his teams (that meant most of his closest friends) were going to say with the Avengers. Tomorrow night he and two of his teams would be sleeping in Avengers Tower! What more could he ask for? Spider-Man had once been an Avenger, but he decided to quit the Avengers so that he could stay with his friends. Maybe this time he could join the Avengers with his friends. That would be awesome!

Sitting on the roof of the Triskelion, Spider-Man looked out over New York city and smiled. Nothing, not even J Jonah Jameson, could spoil his mood. Spider-Man stood up and jumped off the building to begin his nightly patrol.

The cool night air was a comforting influence on the spider as he swung through the city. He loved the feeling of weightlessness as he glided above the city on the thin strings of his webs; he loved the accomplished feeling he got when he saved someone; he loved it when he could look down on his city and see a peaceful, happy street.

The arachnid was happy, except for a slight tingle of his spidey-sense that wouldn't go away. The threat wasn't anywhere nearby and it wasn't going attack him anytime soon. He guessed that it was a bad feeling, the type he sometimes got before he was bitten by the spider. A sense of foreboding without any determinable cause. He decided that he should be cautious of any possible threat, by now he had learned to trust his instincts- especially his spidey-sense.


White Tiger was excited, sure, but she found it rather annoying when other people (Nova) couldn't control themselves and were currently flying around, boasting to anyone who would listen (and to everyone who wouldn't) about how the visit to Avengers Tower was all his doing. How was she supposed to concentrate on her book when Nova was doing his best to make her want to slit his throat?

Snarling, White Tiger stalked out of the dormitory to look for more tolerable company or a quiet place to read, either one would do. She ended up finding Iron Fist and Power Man in the training room practising 'fist ball specials', Power Man could be loud at times, but both Iron Fist and Power Man were good friends. She decided to sit and watch them both from the edge of the room until they asked her to join them.

The three of them enjoyed the evening training and practising and accidentally ended up staying in the training room until Fury found them and ordered them to bed at midnight.


Iron Spider, Kid Arachnid, Flash and Scarlet Spider were sat on a rooftop with an excessive amount of take out coffee, bottled water, pastries and cakes (in amongst many other foods and drinks). They were enjoying their rooftop picnic while getting excited about the coming two weeks. They were all relatively new heroes and they were already being invited to visit the Avengers.

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