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Authors Note:  Just wanted to thank anyone who is reading this! I didn't think I would get any reads. :P And now, for Chapter 1 of Love and Lies-A Koltc FanFic!!

          A headache flared behind Sophie's eyes as she opened them to the bright light. "I must have forgotten to close the blinds." she mumbled to herself. "Nope! It was me!" A familiar voice said from next to her. Sophie screamed until she realized it was her best friend, Biana. Sophie's mom, Edaline, rushed into the room. "Oh, yeah. I let Biana in. I didn't think she would wake you up, though." Edaline glanced at Biana, who was grinning sheepishly. "Well, make sure you both come down for breakfast at 10." Edaline said, but Biana whispered something to her and she nodded. "Biana, why did you wake me up so early?" Sophie groaned. "Because, silly, we're getting our scrolls today! Aren't you excited?!?!" Biana said, jumping around. "I would be if you hadn't decided to wake me up at the crack of dawn." Sophie glared at her. "Well, we have to make you look AMAZING to get your scroll!" Biana exclaimed. "You and your makeovers." Sophie rolled her eyes. Biana dragged Sophie to the Leapmaster. "Wait, where are we going?" Sophie asked. "My house, of course. You have NO makeup." Biana replied. "I do too!" Sophie defended. "A lip gloss and two mascaras is not a makeup collection." Biana told her, and shouted, "Everglen!" As they stepped into the light, Sophie realized she was leaping to Fitz's house in pajamas and crazy witch hair.

"Biana! Couldn't I have at least brushed my hair?"Sophie hissed as she sprinted up the stairs. "Sophie, slow down. And no, I need the full before-and-after affect." Biana told her. Sophie gritted her teeth. "Biana, c'mon! I don't want anyone seeing me as this witch." Biana rolled her eyes, but did start moving faster. Sophie thought they were going to make it. But of course, Fitz's room was across the hall and he decided to step out the second Sophie and Biana reached the door. "Sophie? Is that you?" he asked. Sophie turned bright red and sighed. "Yes. Biana showed up at my house at the crack of dawn and dragged me out of bed." She glared at Biana again. Biana only giggled. "Stop wasting my time, Fitz, this girl's makeover is gonna take all morning." "ALL MORNING!??!?!" Sophie yelped. Fitz laughed, "She looks perfectly fine now." Sophie's face went nuclear. "Liar." Biana mumbled and pulled Sophie into her room. She squealed and led Sophie to her bathroom. She handed Sophie three elixirs and Sophie drank them while Biana flitted around, doing her makeup. By 8:00, Biana declared Sophie's makeup done. It took another hour for her to be satisfied with her hair. It took them three hours to settle on an outfit. It was simple yet elegant red dress. (Pictures ain't working so...sorry.) By lunchtime, Biana was done as well.  They hurried down the stairs and saw Fitz, Keefe, Tam, Dex, and Linh sitting around the table. "Linh! That dress is AMAZING on you!" Biana rushed down the stairs effortlessly to Linh. Sophie, however, being the clumsy girl she was, tripped on the last step, like always. Fitz moved to catch her. "Thanks." she mumbled, looking down as the blush spread across her cheeks. "Sophie? When did you get here?" Della asked. "SOMEBODY dragged me out of bed at the crack of dawn this morning." Sophie glared at Biana for the third time that morning. Della sighed and handed out plates of mallowmelt to everyone. "Thanks." Sophie told her, glanced around the table. Fitz, Keefe, and Dex were all staring at her. "What?" she asked, and Biana giggled. The boys looked away. "Finished." Tam pushed the now-empty plate away. Keefe raised his eyebrows. "I didn't think ANYONE could finish mallowmelt faster than Foster, but Bangs Boy begs to differ." Tam smiled and got up. "Hey, nobody else is finished!" Dex cried. "Scratch that." Sophie and Fit said at the same time, pushing their plates away. "Ugh, Score One for Sophitz." Keefe groaned, pushing his empty plate away. Sophie rolled her eyes (and blushed) as Dex, Biana, and Linh added their plates to the pile. "Let's go let's go let's go!!" Biana started jumping around. "Ugh, fine." Keefe moaned, and they headed for the Leapmaster. 

           "Here we go." Sophie whispered to herself as the group entered the Matchmakers' office. The receptionist looked up and pointed to the stairs to her left. The group walked up and there were rows and rows of offices. Three female and four male Matchmakers stood waiting. One woman approached Sophie. "You must be Sophie. I'm Peritum." the strawberry blond elf held out her hand. Sophie shook it, then asked, "What does your name mean?" Peritum laughed and whispered,"It means expert." Sophie grinned and was led into an office. "Here we go." She whispered to herself again. 

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