Ignorance is Bliss- Full story

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My body shivered at the cold air that hit me when walking through the doors of the supermarket. Even with a hoodie on it was cold, but that was probably due to the lack of clothing on my legs, I was wearing jean shorts and flip flops.

I grabbed a shopping cart and began my search for a few food items and I would probably stop by the clothing aisle because why not. The food was in the back so I started with the clothes aisle and checked out some of the funny T-shirts I could find. I slowed down when I saw this one sketchy looking guy. His black hair was a mess, he wore a tight long sleeve shirt and a bigger shirt on top of that with baggy khaki pants, he wore combat boots and a bandana on his forehead. He was tall and muscular, he looked about my age, 19. The way he was smiling and touching all the clothes he walked passed made me uncomfortable and I wanted to avoid him at all cost. I turned my cart to the opposite aisle and saw someone who looked very similar to him in the way that he also looked sketchy. He was taller and just as muscular as the other guy. He had brown hair and he wore a T-shirt and seemingly two jackets over it and baggy khaki pants and combat boots. He looked more fierce than the other guy, but he looked like he was sneaking. He was trying to look like he was casually looking at clothes but he looked nervous which made me nervous.

My heart was beating fast, I was scared for any outcome, whether these fine looking guys would end up pulling out a gun and telling me to get on the ground while they robbed the store, or that they would steal and run out, or they would kidnap me and hold me for ransom, I was scared for anything. I walked back to the other aisle where the first guy was and I saw him eating some chips that he must've got from the food aisle, my heart beat faster, he didn't look like he was going to pay. Just as I expected he finished the chips and put the bag in his pocket and pulled out some oreo cookies and began eating those. My heart felt relieved when a guard yelled out 'Hey, sir'. But then the weirdest thing happened. The guy did something with his hand and mumbled something and the guard relaxed and just walked away. I didn't notice my jaw dropped until the guy turned and looked at me. I don't know why he looked startled when I was the one who had just witnessed him hypnotizing this guard into letting him just eat food for free in the store.

The guy began to approach me, I could tell he was going to try to make me feel less freaked out and convince me not to run. I should have run. But something kept me still.

"Hey," he smiled, "sorry about that"

I couldn't manage to say anything, I just shut my mouth and stared.

"Yeah, don't worry," he mumbled and he mumbled something else and he did some sign language motion with his hands and pushed his hands from his chest at me, it must've been what he did to the guard but nothing seemed to happen.

He smiled at me and then walked passed me. I was really confused. What was that all about. I decided to follow him. I saw him meet up with the other guy I had seen and then I saw a new girl join them, she must've been elsewhere. She was small and thin with long blonde hair and wore similar clothes to the boys, she wore a long sleeve shirt and a jacket over top with jeans and combat boots. She ended up meeting my eye and I know realise how dumb I looked just staring at them. She whispered to the boys and pointed at me and my heart dropped and I left the cart and sort of jogged to any other aisle to hide my embarrassment. Even with the confusion and fear I was intrigued and I wanted to know who they were. I stopped next to the pajama aisle and when I turned around I saw the guy with black hair and he had his hands out as if to keep me from running.

"Hey, are you okay? I saw you run and I wasn't sure if you needed help," he said.

"I'm fine," I replied quickly.

"You look like you saw a ghost," he smiled and let his arms drop to his side.

"What did you do back there," I tried to sound brave but my voice cracked.

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