Chapter 1

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"Elizabeth! Have you seen my pointe shoes?" I shouted as I ran downstairs towards my maid. "I'm so late for ballet class and I can't find them anywhere."

"Did you look in the linen closet?" The 56 year old blonde woman responded. Elizabeth has been working for my parents for as long as I can remember. She's like a second mother to me, more than my real mother has ever been. The only time my parents take an interest in me is when reports are due, and all they do is scream and throw tantrums and threaten to stop my ballet lessons. So in order to live my life in peace, I have to maintain a straight A profile consistently or I'll never hear the end of it.

'Oh yea." I smiled, remembering that that was where I left them the last time. I took up my shoes and my bag, gave Elizabeth a kiss on the cheek and headed straight to the door. Turning the key in the ignition to my white mercedes benz C class, I looked at my phone and realized that It was 4 minutes past 4. Oh god, Madame Noire would certainly have my head this time as it was my 4th time late this week.

I arrived infront of the Lincoln Center Plaza and made my way inside towards The School of American Ballet aka SAB. I went to the changing room and pulled my tall brown hair into a bun and put on my leotard, tights and my slippers and headed to the studio.

"And 1,2,3,4 hold. Toes girls toes! You must stay put on the toes!" I heard Madame Noire instructing with her thick French accent. I tried to fall in between my friends Victoria, Amanda and Hailey. "Jessica! vous êtes encore en retard! pour la troisième fois cette semaine !! Je ne peux pas mettre en place avec cela, si vous êtes en retard une fois de plus pour le reste de te mois, vous ne serez pas en te effectuez vitrine."

"Uhhh.. Oui madame. Je suis tellement désolé." I replied. I could hardly pick out what she just said, but I'm sure it wasn't anything pleasant. Madame Noire was a 45 year old Asian ballet instructor who has taught at some of the biggest ballet companies in France, England, Paris and Italy and now she has finally settled in America. Her face is pulled tightly by the bun she always wears which gives off her strict personality.

"Fall in." she finally said, I made my way betwwen Vicky and Mandy and did the pointe technique with everyone else.

"You're late." Victoria whispered.

"Again." Amanda finished.

"Shut up!" I told both of them. Sometimes my friends can get really annoying and disturbing at times, but half of the time they're really nice and are always looking out for me.

"Livingston!" Madame scowled.

"Sorry Madame." I winced at the way she pierced my last name and looked at my friends with fury in my eyes.


"Care to explain why you're late. Once again?" Hailey asked as we headed towards the changing room. "It's like the 3rd or 4th time this week, if you're not taking this thing serious then -"

"Would you guys quit it? Of coarse I take ballet serious, its my whole life!" I responded. They're really starting to sound like madame and sometimes I wish they would ease off of my back sometimes. I have this amount of pressure at home already, I don't need my best friends breathing down my neck. "Unlike you guys, I have parents who actually care about my grades and I have to keep them happy to be able to keep myself happy. So could you just stop with the damn 22 questions?"



"You don't have to be a bitch about it."

"Thank you." I replied, checking my phone to see if I have any texts from Adam. There was one that simply said 'hey' and I was not really in the mood to reply to Adam's message, I'd just call him and explain later. Adam Bass was the co-captin of our school's lacrosse team and also my boyfriend.

"That Adam?" Vicky asked.

"Yea." I responded and locked my phone screen. "I'll just call him later."

"You're so lucky, you know that? Adam is so hot!" Hailey said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Adam is ok, I guess. He has platinum blonde hair and is your average 5'9", medium build guy. His parents are surgeons, just like mine and he's very athletic. We've been dating for 4 months now and all my friends tell me I'm super lucky to have him as a boyfriend and that all the girls in school would die if he even told them 'hello'.

"Ok, stop thinking about my boyfriend!" I playfully slapped her as she put on her her tank top over her sweats.

"Awh!" She cried, "That hurt!"

"I'm just curious as to why you guys haven't done the deed yet." Vicky winked. "I mean, it's been 4 whole months! What are guys waiting for? Don't you wanna see what his 'D' looks like?"

"Oh my god, Vicky! Shut up!" I laughed.

"What?" she asked sarcastically. "You're basically wasting your boyfriend. He can be useful for a lot of things, if you know what I mean *wink* *wink*"

"Oh god, you my friend, have serious health issues."

"Just saying." She said, holding her hands up in defeat. "If I could trade places with you, I'd hit that everyday 24/7." She exclaimed, closing her eyes in pleasure as if she was having sex right there on the bench.

"You know what?" I smiled. "I'm gonna pretend you didn't say you wanted to hit my boyfriend right infront of my face."

She blew a kiss my way and said, "I love you Jessie." I playfully threw a midle finger at her and she clutched her chest and pretended as if I had hurt her heart.

"He's lucky too. You have guys who basically crawl on their knees to get attention from you. Or in this case, crawl on their skateboards!" Amanda joked. Everyone burst out laughing knowing that Jake Anderson is who she was referring to.

Jake wasn't anyone popular. He was just a commoner at school, who liked skateboarding and playing the guitar. We got paired up as partners in English class once and from that moment, he was convinced that we were soulmates. He's very nice and really sweet and funny, but he's definately not my type. He's just everything I'm not. The only thing we have in common is our hair color and that isn't relevant unless we're talking babies, which we're NOT. I'm rich, he's not. I do ballet, he's a punk. I like everything bright and beautiful, he likes everything dark and mysterious. I know they say opposites attract, but this isn't science, it's real life.

"C'mon you guys. Jake doesn't like me." I lied.

"Really? So what do you call it when a guy does a rock tribute to you in the cafeteria?" Hailey asked.

"She's right, he doesn't like her." Amanda interrupted.

"Finally. Someone who gets it." I praised.

"He doesn't like you," she started. "He looooooves you!" She laughed vigorously throwing her head back while Vicky and Hailey shared a high five. Why can't he just get over me and realize that we'll never be? Even if I did feel slightly attracted to him, we couldn't be a couple because my parents would disown me immediately. Where would we even get money to live from? What, his 'rock and roll' career that he thinks is gonna take off? It's nothing but a fantasy. I need something and someone stable in my life, that is what Adam gives me. Stability and Security.

"He's such a dork!" Victoria added. "He doesn't even drive. He rides a skateboard for a living, how pathetic."

"Not everyone is gonna be as rich as we are, Vicky." I told her sternly.

"That's why they're outsiders to our group, we don't and will never associate with people like that." She replied confidently pulling her hair into a ponytail. "I'm ready, who's in the mood for Italian?"

"Me." Amanda and Hailey responded in unison.

"Are you coming or are you gonna stay here and daydream about board boy all day?" She asked.

"I'm coming." I said reluctantly, standing up from the bench and strolled to the door wth the rest of my friends.

A/N: new book guyss, how are you liking it? i like it so far <3vote and comment to tell me your views darlingss .. byee :)

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