The American Dream (part one!)

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I'm fast making this bar my second home, I've only been in Florida for just under a month after deciding to up sticks from my sleepy little town in the UK. I've come in search of that famous 'American dream' but so far when I'm not working my part time job in a store and not trying to find work as a personal trainer I am in fact sat in this bar with a notebook and pen drinking whiskey and doodling.  I like it in here, it's casual and kind of old fashioned, it's right on the sea front and from my regular seat by the front bay window I can see and hear the waves. I'm becoming so much of a regular that George the owner of the bar has my drink on the table when I walk in, this makes me think I have a problem but hey ho. When I'm sat doodling I barely hear anything so I'm a little startled when another glass of whiskey is put down on the dark oak table by the window where I've been sat for the past three hours. I put down my pen and look up fully expecting to see George there but it's not him, the sun is pouring through the window behind the mystery person as it's getting late and the sun is low in the sky so I squint to focus but when my eyes adjust I see that it's a tall man who I can make out has short blondish hair and is wearing a white vest and green patterned board shorts. He says "sorry I didn't mean to alarm you, can I sit down?" To which I say yes glad that I won't be looking into the sun anymore. As he pulls out the chair next to mine I get the feeling I know him but maybe I've just seen him around town. He says he's seen me in here a couple of times in the last week so I then think he's a bit weird but then he introduces himself as Nick and suddenly I realise who he is although I can't be blamed for not recognising him straight away he does look a bit different and usually he's with four other guys. Not going to lie my inner fan girl does scream 'oh my god it's Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys', somehow I manage not to actually say that out loud instead I just smile at him and the face he makes is like a silent acknowledgement of I know you know who I am kind of thing. After what seems like forever I manage to say "Nice to meet you Nick I'm Clare, how did you know what I was drinking?" He says that he's been coming here for years although he doesn't live here but he knows George so he just asked him what the pretty girl sat by the window was drinking. I pull a face like it was very corny to call me pretty but we get chatting, obviously he can tell I'm not exactly native to the area so I tell him why I decided to move thousands of miles away from home by myself. He tells me that although he lives in California he comes here all the time, he loves the ocean here, he surfs and swims and there are some beautiful sea life here. The time ticks by and before we know George is putting the chairs up on the tables and everybody else has left which we totally didn't notice. I pack up my notebook and pens into my purple satchel, throw the strap across my body and Nick offers to walk me home as it's now dark, I tell him it's fine as I only live a couple of blocks away but he insists. We walk the short distance to my apartment and I keep thinking I hope he doesn't want to come inside as I've not been that efficient at unpacking and there are still some boxes lying around, I wouldn't say the place was fit for visitors right now. We get to my door and I thank him for a lovely afternoon and evening, he replies with the fact he can't believe how fast the time has gone and then opens is arms and says "can I get a hug?" To which I shyly smile and respond with a hug and even though I've been a little on the defensive to this point, maybe not quite believing what's happening I have to say I do find myself relaxing and enjoying the hug, it's the first bit of proper human contact I've had since I've been here. Maybe I'm slightly disappointed by the fact that he is a complete gentleman, we release the hug and say goodnight and he wanders off down the street and I unlock my front door, step inside and when it closes behind me I do stand there for a moment before I realise I might not see him again, we didn't swap numbers or anything and that makes me feel sad. Although he does know where I drink and live for that matter so I guess I'll just have to wait and see....

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