Soul Mates.

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Ze had waited for so long...

Zhey had always been different from the others, since ze was born...It wasn't that ze was bad or wrong, ze was just...different. Ze didn't quite fit in and...And ze had always been alone. While all of the others of zis kind had found soul mates, ze had one.

It was such a strange thing to happen. Every one of them had a soulmate, a bonded one. Zhey didn't know why, zhey just always had. Zhey celebrated finding bonded ones nearly every night, the lucky lovers sharing a sweet kiss beneath the starry skies.

Everyone found a bounded on. Everyone but zim apparently.

But ze had never stopped believing...Even when ze was laughed at, ze still believed.

And that belief lead zim to leave his home and look alone. And ze did look, ze looked hard. Ze looked everywhere he could, everywhere ze could find life ze would look. It look so, so long but ze kept looking. Ze could feel a pulling inside and ze followed it, ze knew that ze had a soul mate out there. Wherever they were...they were waiting for zim. Ze just had to find them. Zis ship flew all around the galaxy, past exotic planets and seas of silver stars and burning suns and bright moons. Ze searched them all, always hoping and always coming up...with nothing.

Until...ze found it.

A small little planet called "Earth".

Ze liked the was it sound on zis tongue. It was an interesting place, so different from home. But it was a good kind of different, an exciting kind. Though ze had explored many planets, there was something about Earth that made him feel so certain...that zis soul mate was here.

Here on this planet, a planet so full of life and noise and wonder, full of little "humans"...and one of them was zis soulmate. Ze looked for many months, exploring this vast planet, wandering until ze found her. Ze knew it the moment ze saw her, zis heart soaring through all the cosmos...and choosing her. But finding her, as it turned out to be, was the easy part.

Approaching the human was the hard part.

How could ze, when ze was so...different?

Ze was blue and tall, zis hair and eyes were blacker then the night. Zis teeth were sharp and long, zis voice was a strange trill compared to the way the humans talked. Ze had learned the language but it sounding more like...humming rather then talking.

Would she like that? Ze wasn't so sure. When ze practiced what ze would say to her, ze only imagined her running away from him.

For the first time in zis life, ze was...scared. Scared to approach her, scared to make the move ze had been dreaming of. Scared of being pushed away by zis soul mate. It didn't happen often but...sometimes, yes, one was rejected by zheir bonded one. And it was this rejection, this pain, that ze truly feared.

Instead of going to her like ze longed to do, ze watched her from far away.

Ze learned more and more about her as ze did and...ze liked it all. Like zim, she was an outsider among her own kind. Like zim, she seemed to be waiting for something. And ze was certain that she was aware of his presence. The more ze thought about, the more sure ze became of it.

Was she waiting for zim? Did she dream of zim as ze had of her? These thoughts plagued zim until finally...Until finally, ze had to come to her.

Zis heart couldn't help it anymore.

Ze decided that, if she did run away, maybe it wouldn't be forever. Maybe she would come to love zim as ze had come to love her. And if she truly did not want zim...then ze would accept it, no matter how badly it hurt.

It was a clear night when ze finally came to her. They Earth sky was full of stars, all of them glimmering and shimmering. Ze thought of all the planets ze had been to, all of the time ze had searched for her. The dangers ze had faced, the trials ze had completed to get here. The memories made zim feel a bit braver as he came to her.

She was sitting on her porch, looking up at the sky as ze had been. When she heard zis steps, she looked away and looked towards zim. And she didn't seem at all afraid like ze had feared. Instead, she smiled at zim, watching as ze walked slowly. Ze stood in front of her, zis three hearts filling with hope. She reached out to touch his pale blue cheek, as though to see if ze was really here.

Ze was. This was real. This was finally, finally happening.

The stars seemed to shine even brighter, as though the many galaxies where cheering for you both. She looked at zim, touching zis face and hair over and over again. And she let zim touch her too, she let zim caress her soft skin and smell her like ze had wanted for so long. She was so...soft. So sweet. Just like ze had dreamed of. 

For so long, the lover stared at one another before she finally spoke to zim.

"What took you so long?" She asked.

Ze had no answer. Ze could only trill happily, singing out zis joy as ze wrapped his long arms around her and held her close.

Ze had never been so happy before. Ze loved her soft touch, ze loved touching her, ze had waited for it for so long...And ze smiled, knowing that zis waiting was finally over...🖤

(For any confusion, "ze", "zis", and such are not typos nor are they a personal name but rather they are pronouns. The alien's species is neither male nor female (all are capable of getting pregnant or getting others pregnant though) and have different pronouns unique to zhem. 

The alien's true name is pronounceable to humans and Reader/ You will later give zim zis own "Earth" name.)

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