It Begins

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As Ravenclaw muggle-born, Eliza Weasely, packed for her next year at Hogwarts, she decided to pack some instant coffee. She was remembering all of those late nights studying when she desperately needed a caffeine-boost. This time, she would be prepared.

Moonlight filled the quiet common room as she scribbled another word on the soft parchment. Her vision was quickly becoming blurry with exhaustion. She shook her head to try and clear it but ended up slapping herself in the face with her shower-damp bright-red hair. She laughed at herself then stood, letting her blanket slip off her lap. She poured herself a mug of boiling water and poured some instant coffee mix into it. She stirred and sipped and slowly felt the artificial energy fill her. This was muggle-magic.

A friend of hers, Max, wandered up to her and pointed, "What's that?" Eliza smiled, "It's coffee! Want a sip?" Max sipped the coffee and scrunched up his nose, "Gross. I bet I can make it better."

Soon, everyone in Ravenclaw was experimenting with coffee. Well, exceot for Luna. She just sipped her tea and claimed that, "Coffee attracts Nargles". Puffs of smoke were not rare in the Ravenclaw common room, but it seemed even more frequent now. There were now coffee that had interesting affects on the drinker, like turning their hair blue or giving them halos; coffee who's steam became different shapes; and coffee that changed flavors with each sip. There were also several failed attempts, hence the random puffs of smoke and smell of burnt eggs.

Soon, news of this new past time spread around the houses and there were now people experimenting with coffee everywhere. 

Hufflepuff favored sweet and creamy coffees and often changed the colors of the coffee or made the cream change into the shape of animals and prance around the dark coffee. 

Gryffindor made their coffee flash red and gold. They also kept portable fire on the tops for looks. They were into really bold/strong flavors.

Slytherin had the best-tasting coffee by far, though they wouldn't tell anyone how they made it. They often used it to bribe the other houses with their awesome coffee in the way that only Slytherins could.

Soon, the entire school smelled like magical coffee. Eliza, the one who accidentally started all of this, was often cooped up, studying. Because of this, she was completely oblivious to the Coffee Epidemic.

One day, McGonagall found Snape sipping his creation: The Slytherin Coffee. Soon, the professors were competing with each other too, making some of the best coffees in the school.

It finally dawned on Eliza when, one morning, when coffee had replaced the pumpkin juice. Kids were slipping galleons back and forth as they bet on who had the best coffee. It was chaos.

Eliza wished she had a time-turner.

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