Mario Kart

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(A/N: Okay so I know I destroyed my continuity by including Dave in a one-shot that takes place in 2018 but ig this is gonna be an au where crown's shit was written by them and dave fucking stayed bc I love him lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Y/N's POV:
Off days on tour could be spent many different ways: being stuck on the road for an extended period of time, enjoying the city you were currently in with your friends, catching up on groceries, laundry and other necessities, or being a lazy piece of shit.

Of course, my boyfriend, Andy, and I are the epitome of being lazy pieces of shit, so we spent our off day on the tour bus playing Mario Kart while Hayden, Brandon and Taddie went out to enjoy the city. We were in Pittsburgh today, which is a place I know like the back of my hand. I had no need to go and explore when I visit my relatives here frequently. Plus, I had light cramps thanks to PMS, so I wasn't going to risk going anywhere, since my period would probably end up paying me a visit and bringing me even more painful cramps.

Andy was laying down on the couch as I laid in between his legs. We were playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the switch. He had been determined to beat me this entire tour— any chance he got to play Mario Kart when he had down time, he would. He wanted so desperately to kick my ass just once in Mario Kart, since I was the best at it on the bus.

Whenever my friends and I would have our game nights, we almost always played Mario Kart. My friends were pretty damn good at it, while I sucked ass. I started practicing more and ended up becoming better than them when I finally got to use their methods against them. To shorten what I just said, I lived long enough to see myself become the villain... in fucking Mario Kart.

"Andy, honey, you're never gonna beat me," I chuckled. "I have three years of experience under my belt."

"Bet, I'll be the first one on this bus to end you!" Andy exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll make a deal with you," I grinned and looked up at him. "I have a bag of hot cheetos in my drawer in our back lounge bedroom, they're yours if you can beat me."

Andy eagerly grabbed his controller. "DEAL!"

I chuckled as we chose our characters. Andy always chose King Boo, and I usually switched between the animal crossing characters, yoshi, shy guy and toad. I decided to play as Isabelle because what would be funnier than kicking your boyfriend's ass as one of the purest characters in the game.

When we started the race, I made sure to use the speed boost trick that my friend Bella taught me when we were playing one night (which she only taught me because I was crying over having to wear our losers chicken hat so damn much). This always annoyed Andy because no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get the timing right.

Andy groaned as his character was in 4th place while mine started out in 1st place.

"How do you do that every time?!" He exclaimed.

"Timing, young grasshopper." I said calmly, right before giggling.

Several thrown Koopa Shells and Bob-ombs later, I came in first and Andy came in second, much to his dismay.

"I just wanted some hot cheetos..." he muttered.

I sighed contently. "You can have them. I wasn't gonna eat them anyways."

"You're the fucking best," Andy grinned and kissed my head as he went to get up to claim his prize. "I'm coming for you hot cheetos."

I felt a little uncomfortable, so I headed off to the bathroom while Andy rummaged through our stuff to find the cheetos.

I'm pretty sure every girl knows that feeling when they're period started, and that was my predicament. I groaned as I realized I had bled through my pants, which meant there was probably a stain on the couch.

Andy Leo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now