Track 1

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"Raelián pov"

I looked up at the stars as I walked home , thinking maybe If I wished hard enough or even jumped high Enough I could make it up there. Every since I could remember I would do that I would look at the sky and let my imagination run wild, hoping , praying , wishing that my imaginations would one day be reality but nope just 17 years of imagining and wishing.

As I walked into me and my "mothers" tiny apartment , I threw my bags on the floor and noticed a very familiar face looking up at me. It seems as so my very very drunken "Aunt" Maliana , has came home. You see Maliana is not really my aunt, she's my mom girlfriend which is why I think it's pretty sick to be calling her my aunt considering the fact that she's f*cking my mom.

"Hey gal , you not gone speaks to ya' aunt mal" I heard Maliana say , knocking me out of thoughts. "Wassup mal" I spoke back to her. I quickly went to my room to avoid any conversation with her.
Knocking off my worn out chucks and climbing into my bed, I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications, only one notification caught my attention. It was a dm from bryson , You see bryson was a typical around the way boy , always smoking , not really gang affiliated but stayed in some trouble. I stared at my phone screen for a moment seeing if I should reply or not. I noticed that he sent the message over 2 hours ago and the message stated a simple "wya". Confused as to why he wanted to know my location I replied " who wants to know" and locked my phone. You see Bryson and I have a very rocky past , he was my "boyfriend" for almost 2 years until he decided that me and my declining mental health was too much for him to deal with. I don't blame him for leaving me, I truly don't. I mean think about it if you could have any girl you wanted why would you stay with one you practically had to babysit ?? I don't regret the time me and Bryson spent with each other , I just regret falling in love with him and I hate that I'm still in love with him.

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