Chapter 1

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Brittany Smith is a beautiful girl who has brown, long, straight hair, green eyes and beautiful white smile . She is smart, brave and ready to do everything for the people she loves. She is good at every sport and has a beautiful body.She is secretly a lesbian and no one knows it except her best friend - Amber Scott. They are in the same class since 10 years and are almost always together.
Amber loves sport too. She has short curly hair, brown eyes, thick body and olive skin.
This year they are in 11th grade.

*First day of school*

-Oh, man I can't wait to be in the volleyball team again. -Brittany said to Amber
-Yeah, you are good at it.
-Amber, I'm not just good I'm the best.
- Compared to me you are nothing - they looked at each other and laughed- so, where are we going now?
- To the classroom.
-Girl, we are late
-... As always, let's see who is gonna be first then- Brittany said and started to run.

*A few minutes later*

-I won
-That is because you started running first. - Amber was complaining
They entered in the room.
-We're sorry we are late, Mr. Martinez.
-It's okay. Sit on your seats and please don't talk.
David Martinez is a history teacher. He has a long black hair, mustache and brown eyes.He is tall and has a slim body.
-Today we have a new -Mr.Martinez said- Can you guess what is it?
-You got a free haircut,Mr Martinez ?- asked Joshua
 Most of the class laughed. Joshua is the playboy in the class. He has blue eyes, black short hair and beautiful trained body.
- Haha, so funny, Joshua - said the history teacher -The new is..
-Do we have a new classmate?- Rose Hayes tried to guess
-You are right, Ms Hayes!
-A boy or a girl? -Joshua asked
- You will see yourself - David answered
-I hope she is a hot chick -Collins smirked
-Joshua Collins, do you want to leave the classroom?
-No, sir, I'm sorry.
-Okay, ladies and gentlemen it is time to present you the new student in class. Come here, Maria.
The door opened. Everybody was waiting to see the new girl. Then she showed. Her name is Maria Gray. She is very fat. Gray has short, brown hair + bangs, a lot of acne on her face and green eyes.
-Hello! I'm Maria Gray, nice to meet you all! Hope we gonna be good friends and understand each other!
Joshua laughed like never before:


Some people in the class laughed.
-Collins, leave the classroom right now!
-Why? Because I'm telling the truth?
-Can't you shut the fuck up? - Brittany stood up- you fucking piece of shit, stop insulting others like you are the most perfect person in the world !
- Oh my God,Brittany- the good girl who...
- I said leave the classroom, Joshua!
He left. Maria got teary.
-Why are you all so bad? What did I do to you? Don't you have hearts? Yes,I am fat because I have problems with my health. I'm trying... I have acne and I can't stop it.. I don't know how.. So..why?-Maria said and left the classroom crying.
-Good job, you fucking idiots. - Brittany said - Excuse me, Mr Martinez-she left the classroom.
Brittany went to the toilets expecting to see Maria there. They met and Brittany comforted her.
-Hey, look, be yourself and don't mind this shit, he thinks he is cool and fun but he is just an idiot.
-No.. Every person is beautiful on their own way. I can understand, I can't make anyone like me. And ,yes, I will be myself. I know I'm not beautiful but at least I'm trying to be good.
-But you just said "Every person is beautiful on their own way" so it means you are beautiful too.
-Maybe I am.. I still can't get used to it. To all the insults... It always hurts
-It is okay- Brittany said and hugged her- only if people could see the soul first then they would appreciate you. Now I can see it and I love what I see .You are really kind, smart and I wish you luck to get through your problem. If you need me you can call me anytime.
-Thank you so much!
They went back to the classroom and the break time came.
-Wanna go to grab something?-Brittany asked her friends
-Yeahhh, sure-they answered
-Hey, Maria, wanna join us?
-No, thank you, Brit.
-Brit? Is that your new nickname, dude? - Amber asked
-Well I guess so.

Brittany P. O. V.

In my class I have my own group of friends. Me, Amber, Rose, Madison and Nicole. We sat on the table we usually do to eat. We all bought sandwiches.
Rose is an Asian. She came here from Korea when she was little. Her hair is black,she has bangs, typical Korean dark brown eyes, her body is slim and she is not very tall but still it is cute. Madison-quite girl. When she is with us she can be herself.When she laughs it sounds like a dying dolphin. Her hair is short like a boy's. She wears glasses. Her body is chubby but it suits her. She is not that smart as she looks but I love her. And here comes Nicole. To be honest I think she is secretly in love with Rose but everyone has secrets so.. She has medium long brown hair. Her eyes are green ,she has acne but not much. Her personality is amazing. She is good with others, she cares and loves. She is the most famous and liked girl in school also she came out 2 years ago. Yes, that is right her ass is gay af. She has 6 pack abs and really cool body. But she is not my type .

-Did you see that? - Nicole asked
-There is a new girl in school.
-Look there.
The girl they looked at was Alexa Jones.She has slim body, blonde long hair, brown eyes and beautiful smile.
-Oh,damn, she is beautiful. -I said
- Yeah, she is. I heard she is in B class which means that she studies Spanish and Italian. She must be smart af- Nicole said
-Maybe she is- said Amber
Rose looked at Nicole and asked:
-Oh, so you like blondes?
-Mmm, this sandwich is delicious- said Nicole - wanna try it, Róse?
-Don't change the topic, idiot.
I've been wondering for awhile if they are together so I decided to ask them:
-Hey,Róse, Nicole--they stopped fighting and looked at me -are you dating?
When they heard that it was obvious they took it seriously.
-No,we are not, you know, Róse just likes me but I..
-Is that so? - Róse looked at her and hit her shoulder
- Me ? Dating her?  -Nicole grabbed Rose's hand under the table so no one could see -No way. We are just close friends .
- That's right - Rose said while sweating

-Hey, gays, we have to go- Amber said
-You guys go. We have to work on a project now - said the secret couple
-You sure?

Nicole P. O. V

They left us. I asked Róse to come with me to the toilet and she agreed. When we entered she closed the door, pushed me against the wall and said:
-Oh, so you were looking at this blonde shit and what about me?
- You know you are the only one I want to look at - I whispered and grabbed her waist,pulled her closer to me and bit her neck.
-Yes, love - I unzipped her jeans
- N-not here - she blushed and hugged me tight - don't look again at her!
- Kill me if I do,baby.
- I surely am going to do it - she giggled and kissed me
-And I looked at her because  I wanted to keep our relationship in a secret..

Róse put her hand on my stomach and it was going slowly up
-You just said "not here"
-Yes but..
-You just turned me on. Let's go to my place. -she bit my ear -my parents are in Korea for 10 days. We gonna be all alone and you can stay as much as you want. - she whispered 
-Oh, wow!

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