
Name: Danyssa Leighton Lexington (Actually Hammer)
Nickname: Nyssa
Alias: Leighton, Agent L
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Age: 19
Zodiac: Libra

Personality: Danyssa comes off as carefree and a happy kind caring girl but she's hiding a few secrets that could possibly affect her relationship with the Starks. She loves being with her friends and often gets teased by them when she's video chatting with a certain son of Tony's and she becomes a bit shy while also flirty towards him. She's also stubborn when it comes to needing help, she doesn't really like being the damsel in distress but will often let her stubbornness drop if she's really needing help
Fears: that they'll find out the truth of her family, namely her dad
Failing to protect her friends and loved ones

Looks: Selena Gomez

Looks: Selena Gomez

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