Part 1

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"Why, why, why, why. Dammit, Alfonse, WHY? Why would you take that hit?" I could feel the tears beginning to run down my face, but I didn't care. The only thing I could focus on was my Prince, my Alfonse, laying on the ground in front of me, slowly dying.

My hands were getting covered his blood as I tried to stop the bleeding. He was dying, and I couldn't do anything. Why had he taken the hit?! A strike meant for me, and the selfless ass had jumped in front of it.

Tears were beginning to pool up in the corners of his eyes, and I frantically wiped my face, saying "It's okay. You're going to be okay. Sharena went to find a healer, you just have to hold on. You're going to be okay..."

Weakly, Alfonse said, "Don't lie to me, Kiran. We both know that blow was meant to kill and that I've lost too much blood for a healer to matter. I'm just-" He paused, trying to catch his breath "I'm just glad you're okay. Can... can I ask you something?"

Nodding furiously and brushing the hair out of his eyes, I said, "Yes. Anything. But you have to stay alive, please."

"For me." I thought.

"Kiran, I've wanted to ask you this for longer than I care to remember, but now I can't postpone it anymore. Will...will you marry me?"

"Yes, hell yes." my heart said, but I forced a smile and said "Blood loss get to you?" Tears, burning and full of pain, ran down my face. "Don't play with me like that."

"I'm not playing, Kiran." Reaching down, he feebly pulled something out of the blood soaked pouch that hung on his waist. Pulling my unwilling hand away from his face, he slipped a ring of weaved gold onto my finger. My other hand went to my mouth, trying to cover my shock as tears of joy mingled with tears of worry.

"I love you, Kiran. I think I always have." He made eye contact with me, and I saw all of the emotions he'd kept bottled up for so long.

Emotions my eyes mirrored.

"Will you...marry me, Kiran? Will mine?"

"Yes. Yes, Alfonse, of course I will. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Every moment. So please, please stay here."

Reaching up, he cupped my cheek in his hand, gently wiping away my tears.

"I' glad."

He closed his eyes and smiled at me as his lifeless hand fell from my face.

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