0.0-Pavlov For the Basic Teen

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Pavlov contributed to many areas of physiology and neurological sciences. Most of his work involved research in temperament,conditioning, involuntary reflexes.Pavlov performed and directed experiments on digestion, eventually publishing The Work of the Digestive Glands in 1897, after 12 years of research. His experiments earned him the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.

The basics of Pavlov's classical conditioning serve as a historical backdrop for current learning theories.However, the Russian physiologist's initial interest in classical conditioning occurred almost by accident during one of his experiments on digestion in dogs.Considering that Pavlov worked closely with animals throughout many of his experiments, his early contributions were primarily about animal learning. However, the fundamentals of classical conditioning have been examined across many different organisms, including humans.

I took his concept and put it into action with this book.I truly hope you enjoy it

Pavlov Children Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang