Among The First Times

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It was that time of the year again. That period when everyone - or almost everyone - was feeling too joyful and high-spirited - or was compelled to feel joyful and high-spirited. - Everything was brighter and everything was louder. Every avenue, every street and every small or big shopping mall was full of people wanting to buy a special something to their special ones.

Last Christmas seemed too long ago, now that he was thinking about it. Many things had changed since this time, last year.

He, normally, didn't like to think about stuff like that; he was always preoccupied with what comes next, what follows today, with the future. Not with the past. He never did a proper, year end review of what had happened. He didn't need it. He was focused on achieving big in the musical industry and his almost non existent, annual reviews used to come down to only a few words "quite good" or "not quite good." Until now.

Today he couldn't help but think about everything that changed during this absolutely crazy year that draws to a close.

This year was so amazing! It was far more wonderful than all the previous years together! So many first times in so many different things! He loved it!

Their first world tour as Queen, the leading band and not as Queen, the supporting act was a fact! It had happened! And it was a huge success! They toured not only Europe but North America as well and then they had flew to Japan!

The four of them were the first band that had reached that far, as to be so loved and adored in a country where the English language wasn't even spoken. The Japanese people loved them and they felt so honoured! They were treated like Gods both from the people and the press and they had never expected such a warm welcome, especially if you think that most of the press in their own country was a bit too harsh with them.
Their first visit in Japan was definitely one of the highlights of the year!
What could top that?

They had spent ten gorgeous days there, giving fascinating shows to please and thank their fans and express their love to them!

When they returned home the news had already gotten back from their successful tour and some months later, the pandemonium that followed right after Bohemian Rhapsody was aired for the first time was another huge part of the greatness of the year!

Their fourth album was already selling hot since it's first day of release and everything showed that their hard work had finally started to pay off. People knew their names and the titles of their songs and their lyrics too! The audience was asking from Queen to perform specific songs from their previous albums, songs that happened not to be on their current set list and that was another evidence of how much things had changed in favour!

Many spectacular shows were given during the last two months and their final show of the year was performed on the 24th of December, just three days ago, at Hammersmith, in London, among five thousand fans who loved their music and hurried themselves to buy the very much wanted golden ticket to see their favourite band perform live, making the show a sold out one! The show was also videotaped for TV usage!

Five thousand Queen fans attended the regal event and every single one of them felt like a part of the band. They were singing and screaming their guts out, they were jumping up and down every time Freddie addressed to them and they kept cheering louder and louder with every song Queen were playing. It was as if each and everyone of them drank from Freddie's champagne glass when he made his special Christmas toast to them cause he could swear they were feeling the same dizziness as he did! There was this amazing and special chemistry between Freddie and the audience which kept growing bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger every time they were together. It felt magical to be there! Not only for the audience but for the Queen members,too!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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