Levi x Badly Injured! Reader

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The world was spinning beneath you. Every little movement caused pain to crash over your broken body, and it was becoming harder to breathe. You lay there, blood slowly creating a crimson pool around you.
Tears streamed down your face as you realized that you were dying. It hadn't been much of a surprise to you when you were slammed into a tree by a titan you had attempted to kill.
You were unable to keep yourself from falling, as your 3DMG was wrecked, and everyone else was occupied with fighting a titan. You coughed, quickly beginning to panic as you found that you didn't have much time left.
"I don't want to die! I'll fail everyone if I die! I'm scared, I don't want to die alone! Please, someone, don't let me die alone!" You thought as your body spasmed, going into shock. You heard something land beside you before quickly heading towards you.
"Y/N! Y/N! Get up you lazy brat!" You looked over, and found Levi beside you.
"Y/N, are you deaf? I called a retreat! Get up!" You gave a sad smile, slightly shaking your head.
"I can't, Corporal. It's ok, you can go. I'm not- I'm not going to make it."
"You stupid brat, I'm not leaving you!" He shouted, pulling you into his arms and causing you to cry out.
"Heh, at least I know that I'm not dying alone."
"Hey, you're not going to die. You're going to survive." Levi gently reprimanded, holding you a little tighter. You gave a weak chuckle, your surroundings beginning to dim while your eyes starting to become  heavy. You noticed the panicked look on his face as he spoke,
"Hey Brat, don't close your eyes. Stay with me!" You smiled in response, your eyes closing as you parted from consciousness.

You awoke to sunlight shining down upon you through the window nearby. A dull ache ran through you, but either than that, you were quite comfortable.
"Oh, Y/N! You're up! How do you feel? Why-"
"Shut up, Four-eyes. Y/N doesn't need to be bothered right now." Snarked Levi from underneath you. You now caught on that you were snuggled against him. Your head was comfortably resting on his chest, and he had one of his hands tangled in your hair. You felt your face heat up, and attempted to act indifferent.
"Hey, Hanji, can you come back later? I really just want some alone time."
"Sure, I'll see you later then! Come on Levi."
"That's Corporal to you!"
"Anyway, you heard her. She wants to be left alone!"
"It's ok, Hanji. I don't really feel like being moved around just so he can get up. He's actually a rather decent makeshift pillow." You responded, receiving a soft tch from him in reply. Hanji gave you a suspicious look, but left without a word. It was quiet, save for the rhythmic sound of Levi's heartbeat.
"My name is Levi, Y/N. It's not Corporal. I expect you to use my name."
"Ok, Levi, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, but if ask about my height, I'll kill you myself."
"Alright, um, why?"
"Why what? I'm not a mind reader,   Y/N."
"Why did you save me, and why are you snuggling with me?" You questioned, observing the light blush dusting his cheeks. You lay there, staring up at him while youpatiently waited for an answer.
"I- Look, you're really important to me ok?"
"How important exactly? I strongly disagree with you, to be honest."
"I hate you."
"I hate you too. Now, answer my question with something either than I hate you."
"You're forcing me to do something I don't want to do."
"I don't care. You hate me, nothing you're going to say is going to-"
"I swear, if say that again, you little brat-"
"See? You just proved my point."
"I don't hate you! You're so special to me. I don't understand how you can't see that I love you." You paused, mouth slightly open, and a blush tinting your face as your heart seemed to skip a beat. You smiled, nuzzling him as a rush of joy swelled within your heart. You felt his chest rumble from beneath you as he chuckled.
"I love you."
"And I, you."

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