A Life As An Avenger

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Hi! I'm Dallas Romanoff, and yes, I am Natasha Romanoff's sister. I'm 26 years old and I'm a master assassin. I'm a agent at SHIELD along with my sister. So instead of having two agent Romanoff's, Natasha is Agent R and I'm Agent Romanoff.

People often think were twins but were not. We look exactly alike except im taller. We both have short curly red hair, green eyes, same facial features, same every thing. Yes, I am also apart of the avengers. Clint's always been like a brother to me. He teases me like crap, comforts me when I'm sad, and we always have fun together. I usually hang with Tony or Thor. Tony and I get along just fine, but sometimes we argue and I'll threaten him, but other then that were cool. Thor and I have a weird relation ship. He often goes up to Asgard and I'm always the last one he says good bye too and he gives me a huge hug, and when he come back after a week or so I'm always the first he goes to and again, gives me a huge hug. I mean, I don't mind it at all but I find it strange. He's always staring, and watching me, and I feel weird because I'm always in a black skin tight jump suit when I see him and it's really awkward. If your having some trouble picturing what the jump suit looks like, it's exactly like Natasha's and we wear it the exact same way. Bruce is nice to me, but we don't talk as much as I would like to and we have all came to an agreement that Loki is allowed to stay here on earth as long as he is with someone at all times. Loki and I also hang out a lot, were really good friends now that he isn't trying to take over the world and shit.

But this is a story about me!

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