chapter 1

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sitting there looking down at the razor in my hand, blood coats it. 3 straight cuts on my wrist surrounded by little white scars.  all of this started because I failed. I'm a worthless circus orphan freak. why I don't I just end all the pain.  why do I go through all this shit. it not like anybody cares, not Bruce. he's disappointed in me. all I can do is fail. wally hates me. it all started with an argument, I don't even remember what it was about. Barbara doesn't want to hang out with me, she wants to hang out with her new boyfriend. I have nobody. I wish I would of fallen with my parents, with that thought I carved two words in to my skin,  worthless,  failure. there so much blood. shit I will never be able to clean this up without them finding out. oh well. this is my limit. I'm done. I walk over to my bathroom to my medicine cabinet, I pull out a bottle of pills. I empty it in my hands,  I look at them and count how many pills there are.  36 pain killers, I start to swallow the pills,  one after another. when I'm on my 20th pill I start seeing black spot in my vision. I start to get dizzy, I try to grab something but I fall losing the pills in the process making a loud crash

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