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Chapter One

He'd never really experienced the summer sun, but laying under the shade of the giant oak tree felt so... right. Volt was a Transistor. Grown in a lab from a hybrid of Human and Anomaly DNA, he was tasked with fighting and destroying Anomalies.
"Anomalies..." Volt said to himself, like it was a dirty word.
They first appeared years ago, before he was made. Human beings were utterly outclassed, that was until they captured one. Scientists were able to create a form of DNA splicing, and here he was. Neither human nor beast, an uncomfortable middle ground. Taking his mind off things, he stared down the hill. He could see all the way down into the valley. He saw the way the small lake curved, he could see all the way across the plains to the other side of the hills, he could even make out the small shapes of some sheep grazing. This was so much better than being cooped up in that claustrophobic facility. He was sick of clean white walls and tight corridors, done with artificial light and weird tasting air, over the hustle and bustle, the lab coats, the constant checks and reminders for tests and training and... He sighed, and let the feelings go with it. He was relaxing, for once. The valley was so peaceful, the light spilled just over the top of the hills, and painted the ground a magnificent yellow. The birds were chirping, content with the weather, and eager to find food. The grass was the greenest shade he'd ever seen, and the flowers all looked so healthy.
"This is it, right? What humans call, relaxing?" Volt asked.
"Yeah," Alice said, "I used to spend hours out, just killing time talking with my brother."
Volt wanted to ask her what it was like to have siblings, to have a family, but he'd been told by Richard that some things were better left unsaid. That people kept to themselves for a reason. A comfortable silence hung in the air.
"It almost feels unfair," he said.
"What does?"
"This feels like a painting. It's so still, like the world has stopped turning. But it's about to end, isn't it?"
"All good things come to an end, Volt."


Minutes passed, Volt was suddenly on edge after their conversation. Back to his old self. Always on guard. She hadn't seen him blink in two minutes. He was tracking movements, she could see by the tiny flicker of his pupils.
"It's here."
A tree was uprooted and launched across the plains. It hit the dirt and twirled a few times before settling into dust. A hulking figure slowly walked out behind it. Standing over three metres tall on its hind legs, the Anomaly looked like a demon. It had jet black fur, powerful hind legs, and vicious looking claws. Its eyes were blood red, and its teeth were bared. Volt couldn't help but think it resembled a lion.
"It looks like a Behemoth," Alice said.
"Time to go to work," Volt said, sword now in hand.
He leapt onto the hill and dashed straight to the bottom, a plume of dust erupted into the air as he hit the ground and burst forwards, not wasting any time. The ground was a blur beneath him. Wind roared in his ears. The air felt like it was trying to hold him back, but he couldn't stop. He wouldn't. He slowed his breathing, and let his focus drift to his sword arm. He felt the weight of the blade, the air freezing his skin, the fire burning within his veins. The gem embedded in the hilt of the sword was glowing a dim red. He was upon the beast in seconds. It was far bigger up close, and it howled at the sudden obstacle in its path. A guttural, foul cry that left Volt's hair standing. Its stench carried even this far. He couldn't even describe the foul scent if he tried. If death had a smell, this was it. Volt was frozen for a moment. His brain screaming at him to run, his instincts begging him to move. The Anomaly was not going to wait for him. It punched into the ground and ripped upwards. The ground exploded. Debris and dust flew through the air, snapping Volt out of his daze. He leapt sideways as rock and dirt hurtled past his head, but the beast had moved too. It slashed at him, looking to disembowel him with those claws. Volt reacted fast, pulling the sword up and holding it flat down his body, allowing it to take most of the force. The blow launched Volt off his feet backward. The world tipped upside-down, and there was a sharp pain in his back as he rolled. He felt a gash open up on his arm as he came to a stop and pulled himself up onto one knee.
"Careful Volt," Alice said. She'd appeared next to him. Volt stood up.
"It's strong," he said.
"It's a Class C. The power level is worlds apart from the Class D's we've dealt with in the past. No amount of time in a simulator could have prepared us for this." Alice bit her thumb.
"Life was never going to imitate a machine," Volt gripped the hilt of his sword a little more tightly.
The Anomaly lowered itself to the ground and raised its hackles. Its giant paws dug into the dirt. Steam erupted from its nostrils as its blood red eyes settled on Volt. Every slight movement the beast made had the ground quivering beneath it. Volt mumbled something under his breath, and the gem erupted into a brilliant red light. Alice could hear an audible hum coming from the blade. The Anomaly leaned its head back and let out another ear piercing roar, and charged forward at Volt. The earth quaked beneath its strides.
"Volt watch out!" Alice shouted, but the sound of the hulking creature snuffed every syllable.
It leapt at him, and brought down a claw. Volt was already gone, though, and it staggered forward as the fur on its side ripped open violently. The beast howled as Volt appeared behind it, landing softly. Electricity crackled and snapped at the air around him. The Anomaly whirled around almost instantaneously. The sheer force made a gust of wind so fierce it almost threw Alice from her feet. Grass was completely uprooted and thrown through the air. Volt was ready for it. He stood his ground, as the wind rushed over him. It pulsed through his clothes, threatening to tear them from his skin and carry them away. The Anomaly roared in his face, furious that he'd managed to hurt it, and slashed at him. Volt backpedalled and brought the sword up in a flash to deflect the blow. The Anomaly sent slash after slash at him, and Volt moved back, blocking every hit, looking for an opening. The Anomaly brought its claw in a straight downward thrust, and that was all Volt needed. He dashed forward and vanished again, but he wasn't gone. He was moving faster than the eye could track. He cut the entire length of the Anomaly's chest before its claw hit the ground. Volt fell to a knee as the creature behind him collapsed. The sword fell from his hand. The gem's light faded until it was completely diminished. His arm lay limp beside him.
"Are you okay?" Alice put a hand to his shoulder.
"Speed creates power. My arm couldn't take the strain I guess," he stood up, "mission successful."

Transistor First Draft/Concept NovelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora