Dear John. ( One shot for Liza! )

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( Sorry its short ); i have the other story i've got to work on and a few other things )


Name: Liza Bunker

Bio: Hi my name is Liza Bunker. I am sooooo Crushing on John Cena at the moment. But what would he ever want with a Diva like me? I mean i'm not special or anything so i guess nothings gonna happen. I have amazing friends who stick up for me and no Enemies at all. 

Name: John Cena 

Bio: Hi, i'm John Cena, and i am a nice guy who is in love with a girl name Liza. Shes my best friend so that kinda puts me on the low side for us dating. Well i have a match soon so i got to go.

Liza's POV

I heard a knock on my door and decided to just yell," Come In! " because i was to busy getting ready for tonight. The door opened and i seen my bestfriend and also my Crush. John Cena. " Oh hey John whats up? " He smiled at me, " Well not only am i seeing my beautiful bestfriend but i was wondering if your ready to be by my ringside tonight because we have got to now." He pointed his thumbs at the door and kept his mouth in an "o" shape. I laughed at him and put on my wrestling boots before i followed him out the door. 

We were standing in Gorilla position when Johns music came on and the announcer started talking. " By his ringside tonight from Tampa Bay, Liza! and weighing at 251 pounds. John Ceeeennnnaaa! " The crowd started cheering louder and we made our way out to the ring. I hugged him before he got in the ring and i sat by the commentary table, we then heard Daniel Bryans music come on. ' Oh yeah, your dead Bryan.' i thought to myself and rolled my eyes chuckling. 

The match was going on and i seen John getting ready to do his AA. Once he did it i Heard 1....2.....3! and Johns music playing. I jumped in the ring and hugged him, we walked out of the ring backwards with me holding his arm up! We got backstage and went back to his locker room. He went into the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. I went into his fridge and grabbed two waters. He walked out of the bathroom and i tossed one at him, " Thanks." He said and sat on his couch and flipped on the tv. 

We sat there making small conversations here and there when he asked me something, " Do you wanna go to dinner tonight? I'm hungry " He put his hand on his stomach and i smirked, " Is that a date?" He looked around thinking," I guess if you want it to be, " He smiled at me and i smiled back, " then sure, i'd love to. " I said, i got up from his couch and made my way to the door, " What time?" He thought about it for a minute. " Be ready by 9. " I nodded my head, it gave me a half hour to get ready. I went straight to my dressing room and found a pair of black skinney jeans. I put on My favorite purple top with a small gold belt around it. I put on my black heels with the gold beads and my heart locket. I curled a peice of my hair on each side, when i heard a knock on my door. 

I opened the door and seen John in jeans and a nice black t-shirt. " Ready?" He smiled and i nodded, we walked out to his car and got in. We made small talk and laughed a few times here and there. We reached the place. I'm happy he didn't take me anywhere to expensive. I just think its wrong. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand, he looked shock but intretwined his fingers back in mine.

We sat down at a table and waited for our waitress, she came over and asked for our order, i glared at her when she tried to flirt with John. He looked at me," Are you okay? Are you getting jealous that she's flirting with me? Because if you are. You should know i'm intrested in someone else." I looked at him, my eyes probably looking sad because i didnt think it was me. " Do you wanna know who?" I shook my head, because i honestly didnt," Yes you do he said. Because it's you." I looked up at him, " really...?'' He nodded and i smiled, our food came and when he grabbed my hand the waitress didn't flirt with him anymore. He kissed my hand and we ate our dinner.

When we finished i thanked John and he took us back to our hotel. " I had an amazing time tonight. Thank You." I said to him and he smiled," It was my pleasure thank you for coming with me." I smiled at him and gave him a small peck on the lips. I kissed him again and he kissed back for a little longer this time before i said goodbye and went into my hotel room. Tonight was the best night ever. 

-What do you think? -

Dear John. ( One shot for Liza! )Where stories live. Discover now