Prologue :: Discriminated

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"You nearly destroyed this land!"

"Your strike caused Flame to burn everything!"

"What is a bolt worth, anyway? All they does is cause fear."


Lightning opened his lightning colored eyes, immediately stepping away from the pond of perfect, clear water which lay stagnant before him. His teeth, tightly clenched together, would not allow him to speak, and his mind could not muster the words to grant him the desire to speak against his leader.

On the opposite side of the pond, an almost white cat with glassy blue eyes sat on a tall rock which towered over the sparkling water. He was quiet, calm, relaxed. There was no smile, but no scowl. He was as peaceful as the breeze floating around the two cats.

"It is okay to speak, young Lightning," the white cat soothed. "If you do not, the tension will crush you." Lightning wanted to release the anxiety right into the ground, but as the dark clouds began to form and purple sparks began to be seen, he exhaled and managed to control what was inside him.

After the clouds had cleared, Lightning asked, "Why did you summon me here, Air?"

"Set your gaze upon me, and ask me," Air ordered, his voice wispy as if it were being carried off by the wind. Lightning slowly brought his bright purple eyes to meet the eyes of his elder.

"Why did you summon me here?" Lightning questioned. Then, after a small moment of hesitation, "Why did you force me to look into the pond?"

"There are over four seasons of answers, but only few which can be said here," Air replied. "Has it come to your attention of what problems have arisen back on the realm in which we first dwelled?" Lightning gave a short nod.

"It has, Air," Lightning responded. "This issue, however, needs the entirety of our creation, does it not?"

"Indeed it does," Air confirmed. "However, I need your assistance. There is a. . .choice, as always, which we must make for those who live in the realm of reality. This choice involves those who are not unlike you." Lightning narrowed his eyes.

"How so, smart one?" Lightning questioned.

"After the Great War, there is no question the others have taken to hate you," Air replied. "You, with enough power to kill with one strike, have been demoted to the lowest rank, beaten, isolated, and discriminated for too many sunrises to count. I know you have wanted to prove to them that you are better, stronger, and more controllable, and I am giving you advice to help you."

"I have lived with the prejudice for enough time, Air, I do not need assistance," Lightning claimed.

"Yes, this is what I am speaking about," Air sighed. "When you choose who will bear your element in the other realm, you must choose one who shares your personality, your ambitions, your motives. If you do, the evil spreading around the other realm will never stand a chance, and your reputation will be respected once more."

Lightning narrowed his eyes and asked, "Choose someone to bear my element? But why -?"

"All of us must do so, for if we do not, there will be no chance for those in the other realm," Air responded. "You, however, must choose wisely. If the one who bears your element becomes as great as you were when you were borne of the thunder, you will return to becoming the most revered and feared once more."

"What if I do not wish to burden a mortal with my power?" Lightning questioned.

"You must," Air replied. "If you do not, you will cease to exist as a Guardian of the other realm." Lightning narrowed his eyes, but said nothing further. With a sigh, Air announced, "We shall call the others now. If you would do the honor of bringing Flame, I'd appreciate it." Lightning gave a small, distant nod.

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