The Fire and the Candle

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What's going on? Where am I? An hour ago I was in my bedroom reading, the next I'm here. This has to be a dream. Wake up Ellieanna wake up! I thought to myself. It was pitch black, but in the dark a dim light was visible. I ran towards the light not knowing what to expect. When I got there, I saw a lighter and a candle. I grabbed the lighter and lit the candle. The room wasn't as dark anymore
and I could see things clearly. I looked at the wall and I was still in my bedroom. "ELLIEANNA!" I heard someone call. "ELLIEANNA!"  Somebody else called. Somebody shook me awake and I realized my book was across the room. Before I fell asleep, it was on my nightstand. I looked on my nightstand and saw the candle from my dream. I looked up and saw my parents standing with my sister Alison. I needed time to process what just happened. I called over my boyfriend Zach. Zach arrived and we noticed a not so ordinary looking match sitting on the book. The match had a note attached to it that read: If you ever want to see Alison again, kill someone or something you love. I grabbed a knife from my drawer. "Zach.... I'm sorry." I stabbed the bunny Zach had given me for my birthday. Zach looked at me scared and confused. "What did you do? Why did you do it?" He asked. "It said kill someone or something you love." I explained that I didn't want to kill him, my dog, or my cat. My cats name is Aishi and my puppy is Kirito. "Please! I wanna keep you and my sister safe! I..... I don't want her to get hurt!" I was almost in tears. I was looking on the note again, and it said something else. A glass, a curse, or maybe a word. I don't think it matters. To the door to the bottom floor. A FRIEND will meet you. I know who you are and I know what you can do. You might not know so give it a shot. Look at the candle, think about lighting it, and fire will spark. If it doesn't work grab the fire necklace off the table and put it on. "That's it?! That's all it says?" Zach asked. I stared at the candle and thought about lighting it. I thought it didn't work, but the lights turned off. I looked at the the candle and sure enough, it was lit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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