Break ~ Jack Avery

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You were best friends with Jack. Have been for about 5 years. Lately, you have been feeling love towards Jack. Although, you always had a crush on Jack this time you actually felt love towards him. He was always around Gabbie, one of his friends that he met through their moms.

Jack started a band called Why Don't We and you by it off with all of the guys. They all know that you are in love with Jack, even before you knew. Shortly after Jack and his band went off, he met Gabbie and has been spending time with her a lot more when she is in town in California or when he is in Florida.

Which leaves you here, right now. You were planning on a movie night with all of the boys and Christina. Corbyn has a girlfriend named Christina and you were best fiends with her. You had a hotel room which was set up with a fort, a computer with a movie, popcorn, and candy.

You were on tour with the guys and it was your treat to throw the movie night, except Jack didn't show up.

Everyone else did.

It caused you to feel broken, kind of. Like you were forgotten or something.

The day after you guys were leaving for the next stop of the tour when you saw Jack with Gabbie. He hugged and kissed her before they both left. One for the tour bus and the other for an Uber. You decided to talk to Jack.

"Hey, Jack?"
You called for.

He stepped off of the tour bus and looked at you.

"Oh. Hey, Y/N."
He smiled.

God, we're you in love with that smile.

"Did you forget about last night?"
You asked.

He looked at you confused.

"What was last night?"
He asked.

"Movie night. I was throwing a sleep over."
You said.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was hanging out with Gabbie."
He said.

Gabbie... that name.

"Are you guys dating or something?"
You asked.

"Or something. I like her. Like really like her, but she's underage and I want to wait until I know for sure she is what I want."
He said.
(A/N: the age different is by two to three years, which is fine I mean love who you want. No hate to Gabbie. But, technically its illegal.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)

"Oh. Okay."
You said.

He asked.

"No reason. I just wished we could've spent time together."
You said.

"We always spend time together. You're on tour with us."
He said.

"No, I mean- I meant alone. Like you and me. Like how we used to in school."
You said.

"We aren't 16 anymore. I have a life and so do you. Mine doesn't revolve around you. So don't make it seem like your's revolves around me."
He said.

(A/N: damn Jack, gotta be so mean😞😖😐jkjk he's a sweetheart😍😍)

You looked at him, completely heartbroken.

"I'm sorry. I just like you as more than a friend and I thought-"
You were interrupted,

"You thought what? That I like you back? Well, I don't."
He said.

"I know."
You said.

You got into the tour bus and met with the eyes of your four other best friends.

Why Don't We Imagines {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now