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"No!" Sonia snapped, slamming the television remote down on the table beside her easy chair. "Edward do you have any idea how detrimental it could be to- to your health? Those... festivals," she hissed venomously, disgust dripping from her lips audibly, as well as actual spit momentarily spraying from her mouth. "With their m-mosh pits all sweaty and filled with disease! And the alcohol, and the dru- don't get me started on the drugs!"
"A-Alright, Mom!" Eddie cut her off, holding his palms up defensively and closing his eyes as he gathered his thoughts. He pressed his lips together, choosing his next words very carefully. "I take it Daytona Beach is a no- but,"

"Eddie-bear." His mother suddenly cooed, a muffled groan accompanying her effort to lift her large body from the chair she had sunken into, hobbling around the coffee table to be by his side. She grabbed his thin, wiry hand in her pudgy fingers and squeezed gently. "I'm sorry, I know all your friends are going, but I just want to do what's best for you- you know that right?" She spoke softly in a slightly monotonous voice, her eyes darting across his face to examine his expression immaculately, searching for any sign of disobedience with the facade of worry.
Eddie hesitated, swallowing awkwardly and nodding.
"Yeah, I know, Mom," he muttered, subtly leaning away from her. Her lip twitched up into a slight smile, her shoulders relaxing as she gently pet the back of his hand. "Just, uh- what if there was-" Sonia tensed back up, mentally preparing for another round of mind games. "Something else my friends wanted to do this summer, instead of the festivals, since I know you despise it," he played along, nodding his head in understanding.

Sonia squinted behind the thick lens of her glasses.
"Like what?"
"I, I don't know yet, a trip maybe? Like camping? Something local-ish?" Eddie shrugged sheepishly.
"You know I don't like camping Eddie, you're far from the hospital, and can get injured very easily," she frowned, playing up her victim card again and squeezing his hand.
"Right, I know- but if we figure out something else you are okay with?" Eddie pushed, chewing on the inside of his cheek. Sonia paused, thinking for a moment.

"Maybe." She gave in quietly. "You know I just don't want you-"
"Getting hurt, getting sick, getting- dead, yeah, I know Mom," he chuckled sheepishly, prying his hand out of her clammy grip carefully. "I'll be careful." He nodded, backing away slowly and fiddling with the hem of his jumper sleeve.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" She murmured, her voice rather distant as she watched Eddie back away.

Eddie paused, sighing through his nose as he quickly approached her again, pecking her cheek as quickly and with as little contact as possible.
"I love you Mom," he murmured, giving her a sort of half smile. She raised her eyebrows expectantly. "I'm not calling you Mommy, I'm almost an adult."
"Almost, but not yet, you're still my little Eddie bear," she muttered distantly again, reaching up to brush back a few strands of Eddie's hair neatly.
"Right, bye Mom." He sighed, forcing another smile and turning to quickly leave.

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