1. Different, Scared, and Alone

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"Alice put your book down and pay attention," Mr.Walters my teacher says. "Sorry," is all I say as I put my book away. I love reading horror books, in fact i love all things that are creepy and misunderstood. Just like me creepy and misunderstood, well people say I'm creepy because of my obsession with all things creepy and horrifying to others and the fact that i wear dark colors all of the time.

I have no human friends, my only friends are my black cat Shadow and movies and books. (ring) "Thank god schools over time to go to the woods, my safe place," i think to my self as i leave the school grounds. As i walk past the local park i hear something, something odd. I find my self being curious, so i go check it out. I find nothing so i continue to the woods. On my way i stop by my house to free my cat and let her follow me to the woods, as she usually does. But on my way i see a large shadow reappear every few minutes, but its not my pet she is by my side and it is at a distance. Then it stops when I catch sight of it, then it comes closer then shadow becomes bothered and runs away, but only stop and stare as it comes closer and closer. Then i gain the couarge to confront it. I yell to/at it " why are you following me, what have i done fo this to happen to me." It stops, and vanishes as fast as it appeared. All of the suddon i have a feeling that I rarely ever feel. Fear. This makes me panic and run as fast as i can into the woods. I run and run till what seems like hours. By the time I stop i notice it is now night time. Usually the night brings comfort to me but tonight it fills me with worry and discomfort.

I feel its time to return to home, to my father and shadow. I begin my long walk home.*half hour later* I continue walking when all of the sudden a feel a hard tap on my right shoulder...

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