chapter one - major deppression.

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It was nearly midnight, when beast boy was in side of his untidy bedroom. His both bunk bed covers undone and parts of green fur everywhere. He sat on his chair, opposite his table. He stared at this particular wooden box for nearly 7 full minutes now.

It wasn't long ago since that evil girl, Terra left him with the Titans most valuable secrets stored into a drive. Beast boys emerald eyes continued to look at the box. He finally decided to open it, taking out a silver shiny blade.

A tear dropped from his left eye, and as he sniffled, he traced his index finger along this edge of the blade, touching the sharp point. He then proceeded to pull up his sleeve to reveal scars from previous encounters with this blade.

He then place it upon his wrist, then pressed down, and sliced his green flesh, as he watched the blood drip from his wrist. Using his super sensed ears, he heard familiar footsteps walking too his door. He took a whiff, and smelt vanilla and herbal. He realized it was raven.

He knew she was gonna knock, so he put the blade back, shut the box, and sprinted to his en suite. He got toilet paper and wrapped it around his wound, and pulled his sleeve down. It hid it well. He wiped his red eyes and nose and opened the door.

'raven!' beast boy said in confusion, 'what brings you here?'
Raven payed attention to all his facial expressions, to see if he was hiding anything. But as an empath, she sensed great sadness within him.
'I thought I heard crying.' she replied a few seconds later.
'crying? nope. I haven't been crying...' lied beast boy. But raven wasn't dumb. She saw the red rings around his eyes.

'Cut the shit.' snapped raven harshly. 'it's about Terra, isn't it? Ever since she left, your always sad, like how you were when you first joined titans. She was bad news and I told you not to trust her. She broke you. You know this.'
To this reply, beast boy got angry. His irises glowed a vivid green, and a growling came behind his voice and breath.  'you have no right to talk to me about who I love. If I'm sad about Terra, you have no right to confront me about it and -'
He was cut off by raven.'i have every right. I'm your friend.'
Beast boy was even more pissed and was to angry to know what he was saying. He didn't care at that moment and insulted raven. 'You are not my friend. Your just a team mate to me. A cruel mean cold team mate.'

Raven was instantly hurt. It hit her like a bullet so she said something back out of anger. 'well maybe I wouldn't be so mean, cruel and cold if you never always felt sorry for yourself and if you weren't be depressed green little pile of shit.'

Beast boy took those words in, and realised it was probably true. But he looked past that and locked eye contact with raven. He growled and her and just simply said ' get out.'

Raven leaved instantly feeling tears rise in her eyes. Beast boy felt deep regret as so did raven. They both lied down in their beds, thinking about what they said to one and other.
Beast boy removed the toilet paper from his wound and put cream on it and wrapped it in bandage. He then fell asleep thinking about what he said to raven.

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